Schedule A,,, 1,Name of establishment,, 2,Location of establishment,, 3,Type of establishment,, 4,Legal organization of establisment,, 5,Kind of business activities of establishment,, 6,Number of persons engaged in the establishment,, 7,Opening year,, 8,Head and branch office,, ,1,Single-unit enterprise, ,,a),Amount of capital ,2,Head establishment, ,,b),Number of branch ,,c),Kind of business ,3,Branch establishment, ,,d),Name and location of the head establishment Schedule B (For service etablishments),,, 1,Name of establishment,, 2,Location of establishment,, 3,Number of regular employees and Payroll,, ,,Number of regular employees, ,(1),Payroll in cash paid (2)+(3) (yen), ,(2),Regular payment (yen), ,(3),Extra payment (yen), ,,Estimate of meals supplied (yen), 4,Sales,, Schedule C(For national government and public corporations), (For local governments),,, 1,Name of establishment,, 2,Location of establishment,, 3,Kind of business activities of establishment,, 4,Number of persons engaged (including temporary or daily employees),,