Questionnaire A,, 1,Name and Telephone No. of Establishment, 2,Address of Establishment, 3,Legal Status, 4,Distinction of Head/Branch, Name & Address of your head office, 5,The Office was started in:, 6,Number of persons engaged, 7,Kind of business, 8,When were you established?, 9,Capital Stock and Share of Foreign Capital, 10,Parent or subsidiary company Name and address of parent company, 11,"Merger/Divestiture after October 1st, 1996", 12,Engagement in Electronic Commerce, 13,Number of branches/local offices, 14,Total number of the entire regular employees of your company, 15,Kind of main business of your company, Survey B,, 1,Name & Phone Number of Establishments(s), 2,Address of Establishment(s), 3,Number of Persons Engaged (temporary staff included), 4,Type of Operations of Establishment (Institute),