Questionnaire I, 1,Name and Sex 2,Relationship to the head of household 3,Age 4,Martial status 5,Education 6,Year of moving into the present residence 7,"Prefecture of compulsory education (Primary school, junior high school, etc.)" 8,Usual economic activity 9,Employment status 10,Kind of work 11,Number of persons engaged in the enterprise as a whole 12,Weekly working hours 13,Regular working days in a week 14,Did you take consecutive holidays (more than a week) including Sunday and public holidays in the past one year? 15,Kind of dwelling 16,Number of rooms 17,Nuber of owned cars 18,Is there anyone who needs to be nursed in your family 19,Annual income of the household (Before deduction of taxes) 20,Name 21,Relationship to the head of household 22,Age 23,Atending school or not Questionnaire II, 1,Sports 2,Studies and researches 3,Hobbies and amusements 4,Voluntary social activities 5,Travel and day excursion