Household Schedule,,, (1),For household characteristics Number of household members by sex and age groups.,, (2),For all persons 15 years old and over Name, relationship to head, sex, year and month of birth, marital status, place of residence a year ago and level of education.,, Individual Schedule,,, (1),For all persons 15 years old and over, Employment status or main activities.,, (2),For all persons with a job,(a),Details of a main job ,,,Name of the establishment, type of organization, size of enter­prise (number of persons engaged), kind of business, kind of occu­pation performed, status, Place of work, commuting hours, days worked per year, hours worked per week, income, wishing to have additional jobs, wihing to change a job. ,,,For persons who wish to have additional jobs and persons who wish to change a job ... kinds of job desired and whether seeking work or not. ,,(b),Secondary jobs ,,,Whether holding multiple jobs or not, for persons with multiple jobs ... kind of business, status, days worked per year or month, hours worked per week and income. ,,(c),Job a year ago ,,,During a year preceding the survey date, for persons who continue the same job ... years to engaged, for persnons who changed a job ... reasons for having left a job in which the person was engaged a year ago, and details of jobs in which they were engaged a year ago, such as name of the establish­ment, size of enterprise (number of persons engaged), kind of busi­ness, kind of occupation performed and status, years to engaged and for persons who are newly employed ... reasons for having had a new employment and activities a year ago. (3) ,For all persons without a job ,(a) ,Desire for work ,,,Wishing to work or not, for per­sons who wish to work ... reasons for wishing to work, kinds of job desired, whether wishing to work as main-job or secondary job and whether seeking work or not. ,,(b) ,Job a year ago ,,,During the preceding year, for per­sons who gave up work ... years to engaged, reasons for having left a job and details of a previous job, such as name of the establishment, size of enterprise (number of per­sons engaged), kind of business, kind of occupation performed and status.