(1),For household,Number of household members less than 15 years old by age groups ,,Total annual income of all the related house-hold members (2) ,For all household members 15 years old and over,Name and sex ,,Date of birth ,,Relationship to the head of household ,,Marital status ,,Usual place of residence a year ago ,,Level of education ,,Type of activity in the usual status (3),For all persons doing work, ,,Status ,,Fonn oforganization ,,Name of the establishment ,,Kind of business of the establishment ,,Occupation ,,Number of persons engaged in the enterprise ,,Annual working days ,,Manners of working ,,Weekly working hours ,,Annual income from the job ,,Change of type of activity, or duration of service in the present job ,,Wishing to change job or have additional job ,,Reasons for wishing to change job ,,Kind of job desired ,,Seeking a job or not ,,Having a side job or not ,,Status ,,Income from a side job ,,Kind of business of the establishment ,,Type of activity a year ago , ,Working ,mainly or secondarily ,,Reasons for changing job or quitting the previous job ,,Status ,,Kind of business of the establishment ,,Occupation ,,Number of persons eng;iged in the enterprise (4) ,For all persons not doing work ,Wishing to work or not ,,Reasons for ,wishing to work ,,Type of job desired (mainly or secondarily) ,,Kind of job desired ,,Seeking a job or not ,,Means of seeking a job ,,Time for wishing to start a new job ,,Duration of seeking a job , ,Type of activity a year ago , ,Working mainly or secondarily ,,Reasons for quitting a job ,,Status ,,Occupation ,,Kind of business of the establishment ,,Number of persons engaged in the enterprise