(1),Items related to household members 15 years old or more,,, ,A.,All household members,Name, ,,,Sex, ,,,Marital status, ,,,Relationship to the head of household, ,,,Month and year of birth, ,,,Educational status e.g. attending or graduated from an educational institution When started living at present address, ,,,Reason for changing address, ,,,Address before changing address, ,,,Usual labour force status, ,,,Labour force status of the last week of September., ,B.,Persons engaged in work,, ,,a),Main job,Status in employment ,,,,Type of employment at workplace ,,,,Type of legal organization at workplace ,,,,Name of workplace ,,,,Kind of business at workplace ,,,,Kind of work ,,,,Number of persons engaged in enterprise ,,,,Days worked per year ,,,,Regularity of work ,,,,Working hours per week ,,,,Income ,,,,Whether wishing to change the present job or to have an additional job, etc.; whether wishing to extend working hours, etc. ,,,,Reason for wishing to change the present job ,,,,Status of job wished to take ,,,,Whether seeking a job ,,,,When took up the job ,,,,Reason for starting a job ,,,,Labour force status a year ago ,,,,Whether had a job ,,b),Second job,Status in employment ,,,,Kind of business at workplace ,,c),Previous job,When quitted the job ,,,,Reason for leaving the job ,,,,Status in employment ,,,,Type of employment at workplace ,,,,Kind of business at workplace ,,,,Kind of work ,,,,Number of persons engaged in enterprise ,,,,Duration engaged in work (months and years) ,C.,Persons not engaged in work,, ,,a),Wish for work, etc.,Whether wishing to work ,,,,Reason for wishing to work Kind of job wished to take ,,,,Status of job wished to take ,,,,Whether seeking a job ,,,,Reason for not seeking a job ,,,,Duration of seeking a job ,,,,Intention to take up a job ,,,,Labour force status a year ago ,,,,Whether had working experience ,,b),Previous job,When quitted the job ,,,,Reason for leaving the job ,,,,Status in employment ,,,,Type of employment at workplace ,,,,Kind of business at workplace ,,,,Kind of the work ,,,,Number of persons engaged in enterprise ,,,,Duration engaged in work (months and years) (2),Items related to households,Household members Jess than 15 years old,, ,,Household members 15 years old or more,, ,,Type of household income sJurces,, ,,Annual income of household as a whole,,