@misc{oai:d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp:02000009, author = {内閣統計局 and Japan. Imperial Cabinet. Statistics Bureau and 朝鮮総督府 and Office of the Governor-General of Korea and 台湾総督府 and Office of the Governor-General of Taiwan and 樺太庁 and Japan. Sakhalin Agency and 関東局 and Japan. Kwantung Bureau and 南洋庁 and Japan. South Pacific Agency}, month = {Jun}, note = {【対象期間】朝鮮, 台湾, 樺太, 関東州 (昭和4-13年末) 南洋群島 (昭和4年10月1日-12年10月1日, 昭和13年6月末現在)【注】各地駐剳軍隊ヲ含マズ。台湾ノ本地人ニハ生蕃人ヲ、内地人ニハ朝鮮人ヲ含ム。樺太、南洋群島ノ内地人ニハ朝鮮人、台湾人ヲ含ム。関東州及満鉄附属地ノ本地人ハ満州人ニシテ内地人中ニハ朝鮮人及台湾人ヲ含ム。昭和12年ニハ満鉄附属地ヲ含マズ。【計数出所】内閣統計局調査、外地各庁統計書, PERIOD: Korea, Taiwan, South Sakhalin and Kwantung Province, 1929-1938 year-end. South Pacific Mandate, every October 1 from 1929 to 1937 and end of June 1938 . NOTE: Excluding local troops each places. Locals in Taiwan include indigenous peoples who have not advanced into Sinicization, and Japanese include Koreans. Japanese of Sakhalin and South Pacific Mandate include Koreans and Taiwanese respectively. Locals in Kwantung Province are Manchurian, and Japanese include Koreans and Taiwanese. Excluding South Manchuria Railway Zone from 1937. SOURCE: [Survey by the Statistics Bureau, Imperial Cabinet; Statistics by government offices, overseas territories of Japan]., 公的統計: 集計データ、統計表, official statistics: aggregate data, 集計, Aggregation}, title = {帝国ノ人口. 現住人口 (昭和4-13年末) : 大日本帝国統計年鑑 58 (昭和14年) 表4C}, year = {2021} }