@misc{oai:d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp:02000061, author = {農林省 and Japan. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and 朝鮮総督府 and Office of the Governor-General of Korea and 台湾総督府 and Office of the Governor-General of Taiwan and 樺太庁 and Japan. Sakhalin Agency}, month = {Jun}, note = {【対象期間】内地 (大正13年末, 昭和2, 5, 8, 11年末現在) 地方別 (昭和11年末現在) 朝鮮, 台湾, 樺太 (昭和12年)【注】(単位ヘクタール)【計数出所】農林省統計表、外地各庁統計書, PERIOD: For Japan proper, total figures for every three years from 1924 to 1936, and figures by region at the end of 1936. For Korea, Taiwan and South Sakhalin, at the end of 1937. NOTE: (In hectares). SOURCE: Statistical Yearbook of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Japan; [Statistics by government offices, overseas territories of Japan]., 公的統計: 集計データ、統計表, official statistics: aggregate data, 集計, Aggregation}, title = {林野面積 (昭和11年末現在) : 大日本帝国統計年鑑 58 (昭和14年) 表57}, year = {2021} }