@misc{oai:d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp:02000633, author = {農林省 and Japan. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry}, month = {Jun}, note = {【対象期間】昭和4-13年末, 男女別 (昭和13年末)【注】本表は水産業者中の被用者の調にして、二種以上兼営のものは主たる一方に計上す。【計数出所】農林省統計表, PERIOD: End of each year 1929-1938. By gender at the end of 1938. NOTE: As this table is based on the survey of fishery employees, those who have concurrent occupations are counted solely in the principal occupation industry. SOURCE: Statistical Yearbook of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Japan., 公的統計: 集計データ、統計表, official statistics: aggregate data, 集計, Aggregation}, title = {内地ノ水産労働者 (昭和13年末) : 大日本帝国統計年鑑 59 (昭和15年) 表42}, year = {2021} }