@misc{oai:d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp:02001535, author = {商工省 and Japan. Ministry of Commerce and Industry and 朝鮮総督府 and Office of the Governor-General of Korea and 台湾総督府 and Office of the Governor-General of Taiwan and 樺太庁 and Japan. Sakhalin Agency and 関東局 and Japan. Kwantung Bureau}, month = {Jul}, note = {【対象期間】内地 (昭和6年末-昭和10年末) 鉱種別 (昭和10年末 内地, 朝鮮, 台湾, 樺太, 関東州及満鉄附属地)【注】(試掘及官業ノ分ヲ含マズ)【計数出所】商工省統計表、外地各庁統計書, PERIOD: Total of Japan proper at the end of each year 1931-1935. Breakdown by type of minerals in Japan proper, Korea, Taiwan, South Sakhalin, Kwantung Province and South Manchurian Railway Zone at the end of 1935. SOURCE: [Statistical Tables of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry; Statistics by government offices, overseas territories of Japan]., 公的統計: 集計データ、統計表, official statistics: aggregate data, 集計, Aggregation}, title = {鉱区 (昭和10年末) : 大日本帝国統計年鑑 56 (昭和12年) 表78}, year = {2021} }