@misc{oai:d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp:02002445, author = {商工省 and Ministry of Commerce and Industry}, month = {Aug}, note = {資源調査法が制定され、資源調査法に基づく調査となる。調査項目が多くなり、甲乙合わせて調査票が全10種類と非常に複雑化する。, The Shigen Chosa Ho (Resource Survey Act) was enacted and the Factory Statistics became subject to this law. The number of survey items increased and the survey became extremely complex, with Parts A and B together consisting of a total of 10 types of forms., 日本国内に所在する常時1日職工5人以上を使用する工場、5人以上を使用する設備を有する工場。, Factories in Japan regularly employing five or more workers per day or having equipment that employs five or more workers., 組織, Organization, 公的統計: その他, official statistics: other, 母集団/ 全数調査, Total universe/Complete enumeration, 自記式調査票:紙, Self-administered questionnaire}, title = {昭和4~13年工場調査 : 調査票様式ほか調査概要}, year = {2021} }