@misc{oai:d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp:02002446, author = {商工省 and Ministry of Commerce and Industry}, month = {Aug}, note = {工"業"調査と名称が変更される。職工5人未満の工場も調査対象に含め、すべての工場が調査対象になる。, The name was changed from Kojo Chosa (Factory Survey) to Kogyo Chosa (Survey of Manufactures). The survey started to focus on all factories, including factories with fewer than five workers., 日本国内に所在する工場。, Factories in Japan., 組織, Organization, 公的統計: その他, official statistics: other, 母集団/ 全数調査, Total universe/Complete enumeration, 自記式調査票:紙, Self-administered questionnaire}, title = {昭和14~17年工業調査 : 調査票様式ほか調査概要}, year = {2021} }