@misc{oai:d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp:02002453, author = {通商産業大臣官房調査統計部 and Research and Statistics Department, Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of International Trade and Industry}, month = {Aug}, note = {「1950年世界鉱工業センサス」の一環として行われ、名称を「昭和25年工業センサス」とし、「製造業」の事業所のみならず、製造問屋、製造小売業、副業内職として製造加工を行う世帯、自転車の仕入販売修理を行う傍ら新車の組立販売を行う自転車屋についても調査した。主に従業者4人以上の事業所を対象とする自計式の「基本調査」と、主に従業者3人以下の事業所を対象とする他計式の「小事業調査」に分けて行われた。, The census was conducted as part of the United Nations world census for 1950 and was named the "1950 Census of Manufactures." It covers not only manufacturing establishments but also manufacturing wholesalers, manufacturing retailers, households engaged in manufacturing processing as by-employment, and bicycle shops engaged in the purchase, sale, and repair of bicycles as well as the assembly and sale of new bicycles. The census consisted of a self-administered basic census focusing mainly on establishments with four or more employees and a small-establishment census administered by enumerators and focusing mainly on establishments with fewer than four employees., 日本国内に所在する以下のもの。 1.主として製造又は加工を業とする事業所で、その商品を主として卸売するもの。 2.主として小売りを業とする事業所(飲食料品の小売を業とするものを除く。)で、その商品を主として製造又は加工するもの。 3.主として他に原材料を支給して製造又は加工を行わせて、その商品を主として卸売するもの。 4.副業内職として製造又は加工を行う世帯で、以下の(1)から(3)を除くもの。(1)製造又は加工を行い、その商品を小売するもの。(2)一般消費者から委託された原材料を製造又は加工するもの。(3)自家栽培又は自家採取した原材料を製造又は加工する農家又は漁獲を行うもの。 5.主として自転車の仕入及び販売または修理を業とする事業所で、新車を組み立てて販売するもの。, Establishments in Japan meeting the following conditions: (1) Establishment primarily engaged in manufacturing and processing and primarily wholesaling those goods. (2) Establishments primarily engaged in retail (except those engaged in the retail of food and drink) and primarily manufacturing and processing those goods. (3) Establishments primarily manufacturing raw materials supplied to others and primarily wholesaling those goods. (4) Households engaged in manufacturing or processing as by-employment, excluding the following: (a) those that do not conduct any manufacturing or processing and only retail those goods; (b) those that manufacture or process raw materials consigned to them by general consumers; and (c) farmers and fishermen manufacturing or processing raw materials grown, harvested, or caught by themselves. (5) Establishments primarily engaged in the purchase, sale, and repair of bicycles that assemble and sell new bicycles., 組織, Organization, 公的統計: その他, official statistics: other, 母集団/ 全数調査, Total universe/Complete enumeration, 自記式調査票:紙, 個別面接法: 紙と鉛筆 (PAPI), Self-administered questionnaire, Face-to-face interview: Paper-and-pencil (PAPI)}, title = {昭和25年工業センサス : 調査票様式ほか調査概要}, year = {2021} }