@misc{oai:d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp:02002478, author = {通商産業大臣官房調査統計部 and Research and Statistics Department, Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of International Trade and Industry}, month = {Aug}, note = {従業者3人以下の事業所については規則に定める一部の業種のみの調査。雲仙普賢岳の噴火災害により、長崎県の島原市及び深江町は調査範囲から外された。, Establishments with fewer than four employees were surveyed only in some industries specified in the regulations. Due to the eruption of Mt. Unzen, Shimabara City and Fukae-cho in Nagasaki prefecture were not included in the census., 日本国内(長崎県島原市及び深江町を除く)に所在する、調査時の日本標準産業分類における「大分類F-製造業」の国に属するものを除く従業者4人以上の事業所と、「小分類143-ねん糸製造業」「小分類144-織物業」「小分類145-ニット製造業」「小分類171-家具製造業」「小分類173-建具製造業」「小分類232-ゴム製・プラスチック製はきもの・同付属品製造業」「小分類241-なめし革製造業」「小分類242-工業用革製品製造業(手袋を除く)」「小分類243-革製はきもの用材料・同付属品製造業」「小分類244-革製はきもの製造業」「小分類245-革製手袋製造業」「小分類246-かばん製造業」「小分類247-袋物製造業」「小分類248-毛皮製造業」「小分類249-その他のなめし革製品製造業」「小分類254-陶磁器・同関連製品製造業」「小分類282-洋食器・刃物・手道具・金物類製造業」の従業者3人以下の事業所。, Establishments in Japan (excluding Shimabara City and Fukae-cho in Nagasaki prefecture) with at least four employees that at the time of the census were classified as belonging to Division F: Manufacturing of the Japan Standard Industrial Classification, except those belonging to the national government, as well as establishments with fewer than four employees falling into the following 3-digit JSIC categories: 143 Twisting Yarns; 144 Woven Fabrics; 145 Knit Fabrics; 171 Furniture; 173 Fixtures; 232 Rubber and Plastic Footwear and Its Findings; 241 Leather Tanning and Finishing; 242 Mechanical Leather Products (Except Gloves and Mittens); 243 Cut Stock and Findings for Leather Footwear; 244 Leather Footwear; 245 Leather Gloves and Mittens; 246 Baggage; 247 Handbags and Small Cases; 248 Fur Skins; 249 Miscellaneous Leather Products; 254 Pottery and Related Products; and 282 Tableware (Occidental Type), Cutlery, Hand Tools and Hardware., 組織, Organization, 公的統計: その他, official statistics: other, 母集団/ 全数調査, Total universe/Complete enumeration, 自記式調査票:紙, Self-administered questionnaire}, title = {平成3年工業統計調査 : 調査票様式ほか調査概要}, year = {2021} }