@misc{oai:d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp:02002612, author = {通商産業大臣官房調査統計部 and Research and Statistics Department, Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of International Trade and Industry}, month = {Oct}, note = {飲食店を対象とした丙調査のみ行われた。, Only Part C covering eating and drinking places was conducted., 調査時の日本標準産業分類「大分類I-卸売・小売業、飲食店」のうち、「中分類59-一般飲食店」に属する全国の事業所。ただし、以下のものを除く。 1.国に属するもの 2.営業の場所が一定していないもの、又は営業のための固定設備がないもの。 3.出入りに入場料、許可を必要とする等の制限のある事業所の中に設けられているもの。 4.調査の期日前、引き続き3か月以上休業しているもの。, All establishments in Japan on the date of the census that within JSIC Division I: Wholesale and Retail Trade, Eating and Drinking Places fall into Major Group 59: General Eating and Drinking Places, except the following: 1. Establishments belonging to the national government. 2. Establishments without a fixed place of business and establishments without fixed business facilities. 3. Establishments set up within establishments that have entry restrictions such as requiring an entrance fee or permit. 4. Establishments that had been closed for three months or more at the time of the census date., 組織, Organization, 公的統計: その他, official statistics: other, 母集団/ 全数調査, Total universe/Complete enumeration, 自記式調査票, Self-administered questionnaire}, title = {平成4年商業統計調査(丙):調査票様式ほか調査概要}, year = {2021} }