@misc{oai:d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp:02002615, author = {通商産業大臣官房調査統計部 and Research and Statistics Department, Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of International Trade and Industry}, month = {Oct}, note = {5年に1度の本調査と、本調査の2年後の簡易調査を行うように改正され、平成9年の前回調査から2年経過したため実施された簡易調査。甲調査、丙調査の区別はなくなる。簡易調査では調査項目が少なく、地方公共団体の事業所は調査されない。 この調査は、事業所・企業統計調査と同時に実施され、共通の調査票が使用された。, The census was revised to consist of a main census to be conducted every five years and a simplified census to be conducted two years after the main census. Since this census was two years after the 1997 census, it was conducted as a simplified census. The census was no longer divided into Parts A and B. The simplified census contains fewer survey items and establishments owned by local governments are not surveyed. The census was conducted at the same time as Establishment and Enterprise Census and the same questionnaire was used., 調査時の日本標準産業分類「大分類I-卸売・小売業、飲食店」に属する事業所のうち飲食店を除く全国の民営(国、地方公共団体以外)の事業所。ただし、以下のものを除く。 ・駅の改札内、劇場内、運動競技場内、有料道路内など料金を支払って出入りする有料施設の中にある事業所(ただし、公園、遊園地、テーマパーク内にある別経営の事業所については調査の対象とする。), Excluding eating and drinking places, all private establishments (i.e., excluding establishments belonging to the central or local governments) in Japan on the date of the census falling into JSIC Division I: Wholesale and Retail Trade, Eating and Drinking Places, except the following: ・Establishments within fee-charging facilities requiring payment of a fee to enter such as within station ticket barriers, theaters, athletic sports facilities, on toll roads, etc. (However, establishments operating separately within parks, amusement parks, and theme parks are included in the census.), 組織, Organization, 公的統計: その他, official statistics: other, 母集団/ 全数調査, Total universe/Complete enumeration, 自記式調査票, Self-administered questionnaire}, title = {平成11年商業統計調査(簡易調査):調査票様式ほか調査概要}, year = {2021} }