@misc{oai:d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp:02002656, author = {総理府統計局 and Statistics Bureau, Prime Minister's Office}, month = {Oct}, note = {第6回目の事業所統計調査。国勢調査年のため、市町村等の事務負担軽減のため6月1日に行われるなどの規則の特例が制定され行われた。また、企業単位での集計が行われた。, The 6th Establishment Census. Since it was conducted in the same year as the Population Census, special regulations were introduced so that the Establishment Census could be conducted on June 1st in order to reduce the administrative burden on municipalities., 調査日に日本国内に所在するすべての事業所。ただし、以下を除く。 1.1957年改正の日本標準産業分類のにおける「大分類A-農業」「大分類B-林業、狩猟業」「大分類C-漁業、水産養殖業」を専業とするもの及び「中分類82-家事サービス業」または「大分類M-公務」(都道府県庁、市町村役場など)に該当するもの。 2.場所的設備が恒久的でないもの。例えば、路上にある露店、屋台店、くつみがき、新聞の立売など。 3.経緯者の異なる他の事業所の構内にあって、もっぱらその事業所のためにあるもの。たとえば、駅ホーム・劇場・映画館内の売店、会社・官公庁などの構内にある食堂・理髪店・売店など。 4.調査期日の前後を通じて、3か月以上休業しているかまたはその見込のもの。 5.収入を得て働いている従業者がいないもの。例えば専従者のいない労働組合など。 6.常時その場所に従業者がいない事業所。例えば神社などで、常時従業者がいないもの。 7.駐留軍又は外国政府が管理経営しているもの。, All establishments in Japan on the date of the census, except the following: 1. Establishments that, based on the 1957 version of the Japan Standard Industrial Classification, are principally engaged in Division A: Agriculture, Division B: Forestry and Hunting, or Division C: Fisheries and Aquaculture, or that belong to Major Group 82: Domestic Services or Division M: Government (prefectural offices, municipal town halls, etc.). 2. Establishments that do not have facilities permanently fixed in one place, such as street vendors, food stalls, shoeshiners, and newspaper stands. 3. Establishments operating on the premises of another establishment and solely for that establishment, such as shops at station platforms, theaters, and cinemas, or cafeterias, barbers, and shops on the premises of companies, government offices, etc. 4. Establishments that closed down in the three months before the census date or that were expected to close down within three months of the census date. 5. Establishments without paid employees, such as a labor union without a full-time employee. 6. Establishments without permanent employees at the establishment, such as shrines that do not have a permanent employee. 7. Establishments managed and operated by foreign troops stationed in Japan or foreign governments., 組織, Organization, 公的統計: その他, official statistics: other, 母集団/ 全数調査, Total universe/Complete enumeration, 個別面接法: 紙と鉛筆 (PAPI), 自記式調査票:紙, Face-to-face interview: Paper-and-pencil (PAPI), Self-administered questionnaire: Paper}, title = {昭和35年事業所統計調査 : 調査票様式ほか調査概要}, year = {2021} }