@misc{oai:d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp:02002669, author = {総務省統計局 and Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications}, month = {Oct}, note = {第18回目の事業所・企業統計調査。企業の分割・合併の状況、電子商取引の状況など、企業関連項目の充実が図られた。総務省統計局のウェイブサイトも参照。, The 18th Establishment and Enterprise Census. Some topics were newly added to the Census to enhance the collection of information on enterprises with regard to issues such as electronic commerce and corporate splits and mergers., 調査日に日本国内に所在するすべての事業所。ただし、以下を除く。 1.1993年改正の日本標準産業分類における「大分類A-農業」「大分類B-林業」「大分類C-漁業」」に該当するもので個人経営のもの。 2.1993年改正の日本標準産業分類における「小分類741-家事サービス業(住込みのもの)」「小分類742-家事サービス業(住込みでないもの)」「中分類96-外国公務」に該当するもの。 3.劇場、遊園地、運動競技場、駅の改札内などの有料施設のうち「小分類767ー公園、遊園地」以外の施設の中に設けられている事業所。 4.家事労働の傍ら特に設備を持たないで賃仕事をしている個人の世帯。 5.収入を得て働いている従業者がいないもの。例えば町内会など。 6.休業中で従業者がいないもの。 7.季節的に営業する事業所で調査日に営業していない事業所。 (注)1996年の調査と原則同じと思われる。, All establishments in Japan on the date of the census, except the following: 1. Individual proprietorships that, based on the 1993 version of the Japan Standard Industrial Classification, were classified as belonging to Division A: Agriculture, Division B: Forestry, or Division C: Fisheries. 2. Establishments that, based on the 1993 version of the Japan Standard Industrial Classification, were classified as belonging to 3-Digit Classification 741: Domestic Services (Live-In), 3-Digit Classification 742: Domestic Services (Non-Live-In), or Major Group 96: Foreign Governments and International Agencies in Japan. 3. Establishments set up within fee-charging facilities such as theaters, amusement parks, sports stadiums, within the ticket barriers of stations, etc., other than 3-Digit Classification 767: Public Gardens and Amusement Parks. 4. Households in which an individual, alongside housework, carries out piecework without any special equipment. 5. Establishments without paid employees, such as neighborhood associations. 6. Establishments that have closed down and have no employees. 7. Establishments that operate on a seasonal basis and did not operate on the day of the census. Note: In principle, the types of establishments included and excluded were identical to those in the 1996 Establishment and Enterprise Census., 組織, Organization, 公的統計: その他, official statistics: other, 母集団/ 全数調査, Total universe/Complete enumeration, 自記式調査票:紙, Self-administered questionnaire: Paper}, title = {平成13年事業所・企業統計調査 : 調査票様式ほか調査概要}, year = {2021} }