@misc{oai:d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp:02002783, author = {内閣統計局 and Statistics Bureau, Imperial Cabinet}, month = {Sep}, note = {労働統計毎月実地調査から名称が変更され、調査対象が全国47道府県から選定されるように拡大された。 全国の道府県知事、鉱山監督局長、逓信局長が調査対象を選定した。集計結果は「労働毎月統計」により毎月公表されていた。, The Japanese name of the survey was slightly changed and the scope of the survey was expanded to include all 47 prefectures. The survey targets were selected by the prefectural governors, the directors of mining inspection offices, and the directors of post offices. The results of the survey were published monthly in the Monthly Labour Statistics., 全国の工場、鉱山、交通事業者。, Factories, mines, and transport operators across Japan., 組織, Organization, 公的統計: その他, official statistics: other, 非確率, Non-probability, 個別面接法: 紙と鉛筆 (PAPI), Face-to-face interview: Paper-and-pencil (PAPI)}, title = {昭和16~19年労働統計毎月調査 : 調査票様式ほか調査概要}, year = {2021} }