@misc{oai:d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp:02002793, author = {労働大臣官房労働統計調査部 and Labour Statistics and Research Department, Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of Labour}, month = {Sep}, note = {従業者数30人以上の規模の事業所数が大幅に増えたため、甲調査の標本数を増やすなどの改正が行われた。, Since the number of establishments with 30 or more regular employees increased substantially, revisions such as increasing the sample size for Part A of the survey were made., 全国の鉱業、建設業、製造業、卸売及び小売業、金融及び保險業、不動産業、運輸通信及びその他の公益事業及びサービス業(自動車修理業及びガレージ業、その他の修理業及び医療保健業)に属する事業を営む事業所。甲調査は従業者30人以上、乙調査は従業者5~29人の規模の事業所。地方調査は原則甲調査と同じだが、一部の県においては従業者数10人以上。, Establishments across Japan in mining, construction, manufacturing, wholesale and retail trade, finance and insurance, real estate, transportation, communication & other public utilities, and other services (repair of motor vehicles and garage business, miscellaneous repair services, health care services). Part A of the survey focused on establishments with 30 or more regular employees, while Part B focused on establishments with 5-29 regular employees. The prefectural surveys in principle were identical to Part A of the survey, but in some prefectures establishments with 10 or more regular employees were surveyed., 組織, Organization, 公的統計: その他, official statistics: other, 確率: 層別抽出, Probability: Stratified, 自記式調査票, 個別面接法, Self-administered questionnaire, Face-to-face interview}, title = {昭和36~45年毎月勤労統計調査 : 調査票様式ほか調査概要}, year = {2021} }