@misc{oai:d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp:02002815, author = {内閣統計局 and Statistics Bureau, Imperial Cabinet}, month = {Sep}, note = {大正15年9月1日より昭和2年8月31日までの1年間にわたり、11都市から給与生活者(官公吏、銀行会社員、教師、巡査)2000世帯、12都市から工場労働者2800世帯、5鉱山から鉱山労働者500世帯、6都市から交通労働者600世帯及び日雇労働者600世帯(労働者計4500世帯)、9県から農業者720世帯を公募により選び、毎月家計簿を記入、報告させることによって行われた。 調査対象の選定条件は以下の1から6のとおり。 1.月収総額200円以下の世帯。農業者世帯においては耕作面積2町歩以下の世帯。 2.世帯主の勤労所得又は農業所得が全収入の半額を占める世帯。 3.営業を行っていない世帯。 4.世帯員は世帯主を含めて2~7人の世帯。 5.同居人のいない世帯。ただし、単なる貸間で一家の家計を算出するのに不便のない場合はこの限りでない。 6.なるべく僕婢を使用しない世帯。 なお、最終的に集計された世帯数は給与生活者が1575世帯、労働者が3210世帯、農業者が670世帯。, For the survey, 2,000 households of salaried workers (government officials, bank employees, teachers, and policemen) from 11 cities, 2,800 households of factory workers from 12 cities, 500 households of mine workers from 5 cities, 600 households of transportation workers and 600 households of day laborers from 6 cities (for a total of 4,500 laborer households), and 720 farm households from 9 prefectures were recruited through public advertising and asked to fill in and report their household accounts every month for one year from September 1, 1926 to August 31, 1927. Participants were selected based on the following criteria: 1. Households with a total monthly income of no more than 200 yen. In the case of farm households, households with an area under cultivation of 2 hectares or less. 2. Households in which the household head's income from work or agriculture accounts for at least half of the total income. 3. Households that do not operate a business. 4. Households with two to seven members, including the household head. 5. Households without lodgers. However, this does not apply where a room is simply rented out and does not complicate calculating the household's finances. 6. Wherever possible, households that do not use private servants. The final number of households included in the tabulations is 1,575 for salaried workers, 3,210 for laborers, and 670 for farmers., 日本国内の給与生活者世帯、労働者世帯、農業者世帯。調査概要を参照のこと。, Households of salaried workers, laborers, and farmers throughout Japan. For details, see the Survey Summary., 世帯, Household, 公的統計: その他, official statistics: other, 非確率, Non-probability, 自記式調査票, Self-administered questionnaire}, title = {大正15年家計調査 : 調査票様式ほか調査概要}, year = {2021} }