@misc{oai:d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp:02002816, author = {内閣統計局 and Statistics Bureau, Imperial Cabinet}, month = {Sep}, note = {米穀法が改正され、政府が米価の安定のために市場介入する基準となる価格が、家計費によって計算されることとなったため、継続して家計調査が行われることとなった。 1年限りの臨時のものであった大正15年のものと比較すると、10都市から給与生活者が700世帯、労働者が1300世帯、農業者は対象外になるなど、調査対象世帯が少なくなり、住宅についての調査項目がなくなるなど、規模は小さくなっている。 調査対象の選定条件は以下の1から12のとおり。 1.給与生活者、工場労働者、交通労働者を世帯主とする調査地域内にある世帯。 2.平均50円以上100円未満の月収入の世帯。 3.世帯主の勤労所得を主たる収入とする世帯。 4.営業を行っていない世帯。 5.世帯員は世帯主を含めて2~7人の世帯。 6.同居人のいない世帯。 7.家事使用人のいない世帯。 8.収入相応の賃借料を支払う借家又は借間に居住する世帯。 9.白米(外国米を除く)を主食とする世帯。 10.収入相応の生活を営む世帯。 11.無償で他より食料その他生活必需品の支給を受ける世帯でない世帯。 12.病者その他の特に費用を要する家族のいない世帯。, With the revision of the Rice Act, the price at which the government would intervene in the market to stabilize the price of rice was to be calculated based on household expenditures. It was therefore decided to conduct the Family Budget Survey on a continuous basis. Compared to the 1926 survey, which was a one-year ad hoc survey, the number of surveyed households was reduced to 700 salaried worker households and 1,300 laborer households in 10 cities, and farmer households were no longer included. Moreover, the scope of survey items was reduced; for instance, survey items concerning respondents' housing were dropped. Participants were selected based on the following criteria: 1. Households in the survey area headed by a salaried worker, factory worker, or transportation worker. 2. Households with an average monthly income of 50 yen or more but less than 100 yen. 3. Households whose main source of income is the work income of the household head. 4. Households that do not operate a business. 5. Households with two to seven members, including the household head. 6. Households without a lodger. 7. Households with no domestic servants. 8. Households living in a rented house or room the rent for which is commensurate with their income. 9. Households whose staple food is white rice (excluding imported rice). 10. Households that lead a life commensurate with their income. 11. Households that do not receive free food or other necessities from others. 12. Households that do not have a family member who is sick or otherwise in need of special expenses., 都市に居住する給与生活者世帯、労働者世帯。調査概要を参照のこと。, Households of salaried workers and laborers living in cities. For details, see the Survey Summary., 世帯, Household, 公的統計: その他, official statistics: other, 非確率, Non-probability, 自記式調査票, Self-administered questionnaire}, title = {昭和6~16年家計調査 : 調査票様式ほか調査概要}, year = {2021} }