@misc{oai:d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp:02002817, author = {内閣統計局 and Statistics Bureau, Imperial Cabinet}, month = {Sep}, note = {戦時下の状況把握のため、給与生活者世帯、労働者世帯に加えて、農業者世帯(農家)、物品小売業者世帯(商家)、未婚者も調査対象とした。当時、戦争の影響により集計はされなかったが、昭和16年の分のみ、保存されていた調査票を基に昭和52年に総理府統計局により集計され、『昭和16年10月~17年9月 家計調査結果の概要』として報告書が出された。 調査対象は、52都市から給与生活者(官公吏、警察官、国民学校教員、銀行会社員)1900世帯と商家1000世帯、38都道府県から労働者(鉱業労働者、工業労働者、交通従業員、朝鮮人労働者)3000世帯、47都道府県すべてから農家2000世帯、東京市と大阪市の2都市から未婚者160人とされた。 調査対象の選定条件は調査世帯の種類(給与生活者、労働者など)ごとに定められた。 また、未婚者の調査は10月~3月までの半年のみで、かつ昭和19年調査(昭和18年10月~昭和19年3月)については行われなかった。, In order to understand the situation during the war, the survey covered not only households of salaried workers and laborers but also of farmers, merchants (shop keepers), and the unmarried. While the data were not tabulated at the time due to the impact of the war, data for the year 1941 only were compiled in 1977 by the Statistics Bureau, Prime Minister's Office, based on the questionnaire forms that had survived and published as "Summary of the Results of the Family Income and Expenditure Survey, October 1941–September 1942" (in Japanese). The survey covered 1,900 salaried worker households (government officials, police officers, national school teachers, bank employees) and 1,000 shop keeper households in 52 cities, 3,000 laborer households (mining workers, factory workers, transportation workers, Korean workers) in 38 prefectures, 2,000 farmer households in all 47 prefectures, and 160 unmarried people in the two cities of Tokyo and Osaka. The selection criteria for participants were set for each type of survey household (salaried workers, laborers, etc.). The survey of unmarried persons was conducted only for six months from October to March and was not conducted for the 1944 survey (October 1943 to March 1944)., 日本国内の給与生活者世帯、労働者世帯、農業者世帯、物品小売業者世帯、未婚者。調査概要を参照のこと。, Households of salaried workers, laborers, farmers, and merchants as well as unmarried persons throughout Japan. For details, see the Survey Summary., 世帯, Household, 公的統計: その他, official statistics: other, 非確率, Non-probability, 自記式調査票, Self-administered questionnaire}, title = {昭和16~19年家計調査 : 調査票様式ほか調査概要}, year = {2021} }