@misc{oai:d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp:02002818, author = {内閣統計局 and Statistics Bureau, Imperial Cabinet and 総理庁統計局 and Statistics Bureau, Prime Minister's Agency and 総理府統計局 and Statistics Bureau, Prime Minister's Office}, month = {Sep}, note = {昭和21年7月から、GHQの指示により、闇市からの購入によるものも含めた正しい物価を捉えるため、全国の都市から抽出した世帯に対して家計支出を調査した。調査対象世帯を公募により選んでいた戦前の家計調査と違い、無作為に標本抽出を行うようになった。26都市(昭和22年2月から2市が追加され28都市)から約5000世帯を抽出した。当初は戦前の家計調査と同じく家計簿を記入、提出させる方式であったが、昭和23年2月以降は、支出の度に1枚の「現金支出記入票」を記入し、毎日の「現金支出記入票」を取りまとめる方式に変わった。, Conducted from July 1946 under the direction of the General Headquarters of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, the survey gauged expenditures of households selected from cities across Japan in order to obtain correct prices, including purchases from the black market. Unlike the pre-war Family Budget Surveys, for which households were recruited through public advertising, households were chosen through random sampling. About 5,000 households from 26 cities were sampled (28 cities from February 1947, when two cities were added). Initially, households were asked to fill in and submit a household account book, as in the pre-war Family Budget Survey; however, this was changed in February 1948 and households were asked to fill in an expenditure form for each expenditure and collate these expenditure forms for each day., 昭和21年初現在における人口5万以上の都市に居住する農林漁家、単身世帯を除く消費世帯。, Consumer households at the start of 1946 living in cities with 50,000 or more inhabitants, excluding those engaged in agriculture, forestry, or fishery, and one-person households., 世帯, Household, 公的統計: その他, official statistics: other, 確率: 集落抽出: 層別無作為, Probability: Cluster: Stratified random, 自記式調査票, 個別面接法, Self-administered questionnaire, Face-to-face interview}, title = {昭和21~25年消費者価格調査 : 調査票様式ほか調査概要}, year = {2021} }