@misc{oai:d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp:02003299, author = {篠原, 三代平 and Shinohara, Miyohei}, month = {Nov}, note = {工場の生産量、自家醸造の生産量、生産量の計、1000トン当り生産者価格、工場の生産額、自家醸造の生産額、生産額の計、1934−36年価格の工場の生産額、1934−36年価格の自家醸造の生産額、1934−36年価格の生産額の計, Factory Production Volume of Production, Household Production Volume of Production, Volume of Production Total, Producer's Unit-price (per thous. ton), Factory Production Volume of Production, Household Production Volume of Production, Value of Production Total, Factory Production Value of Production (1934-1936 Prices), Household Production Value of Production (1934-1936 Prices), Value of Production (1934-1936 Prices) Total, 組織, Organization, 公的統計: 集計データ、統計表, official statistics: aggregate data, 編集/統合, Compilation/Synthesis}, title = {しょうゆの工場生産と自家醸造(1874~1940):長期経済統計 鉱工業 第11表}, year = {2021} }