@misc{oai:d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp:02006146, author = {商工省 and Japan. Ministry of Commerce and Industry and 農林省 and Japan. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and 大蔵省 and Japan. Ministry of Finance and 朝鮮総督府 and Office of the Governor-General of Korea and 台湾総督府 and Office of the Governor-General of Taiwan and 樺太庁 and Japan. Sakhalin Agency and 関東庁 and Japan. Kwantung Agency and 南洋庁 and Japan. South Pacific Agency}, month = {Nov}, note = {【対象期間】大正7年-昭和2年【注】(単位1000円)【計数出所】商工省統計表、農林省統計表、工場統計表、大蔵省調査、各植民地統計書, PERIOD: 1918-1927. NOTE: (In thousands of yen). SOURCE: [Statistical Tables of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry]; Statistical Yearbook of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Japan; [Statistical Tables on Factories; Survey by the Ministry of Finance; Statistics by government offices, overseas territories of Japan]., 公的統計: 集計データ、統計表, official statistics: aggregate data, 集計, Aggregation}, title = {工業生産高 (大正7年-昭和2年) : 日本帝国統計年鑑 48 (昭和4年) 表76}, year = {2021} }