@misc{oai:d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp:02006964, author = {独立行政法人統計センター and National Statistics Center}, month = {Dec}, note = {第1表:世帯主の年齢、品目分類(食品のみ)、年間収入階級別1世帯当たり1か月間の支出金額、購入数量-昭和56年1月~昭和56年12月
第8表:世帯主の年齢、品目分類(食品のみ)、年間収入階級別1世帯当たり1か月間の支出金額、購入数量-平成27年1月~平成27年12月, Table 1:Monthly Amount of Expenditures and Quantities per Household by Age of Head of Household, Commodity Classification, Yearly Income Group - January to December 1981
Table 2:Monthly Amount of Expenditures and Quantities per Household by Age of Head of Household, Commodity Classification, Yearly Income Group - January to December 1985
Table 3:Monthly Amount of Expenditures and Quantities per Household by Age of Head of Household, Commodity Classification, Yearly Income Group - January to December 1990
Table 4:Monthly Amount of Expenditures and Quantities per Household by Age of Head of Household, Commodity Classification, Yearly Income Group - January to December 1995
Table 5:Monthly Amount of Expenditures and Quantities per Household by Age of Head of Household, Commodity Classification, Yearly Income Group - January to December 2000
Table 6:Monthly Amount of Expenditures and Quantities per Household by Age of Head of Household, Commodity Classification, Yearly Income Group - January to December 2005
Table 7:Monthly Amount of Expenditures and Quantities per Household by Age of Head of Household, Commodity Classification, Yearly Income Group - January to December 2010
Table 8:Monthly Amount of Expenditures and Quantities per Household by Age of Head of Household, Commodity Classification, Yearly Income Group - January to December 2015, 世帯, 時間単位, Household, Time Unit, 公的統計: 集計データ、統計表, official statistics: aggregate data, 編集/統合, Compilation/Synthesis}, title = {食品価格と栄養格差の実証分析:オーダーメード集計補助プロジェクト(2018年度) No.3}, year = {2021} }