@misc{oai:d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp:02019578, author = {藤野, 正三郎 and Fujino, Shozaburo and 藤野, 志朗 and Fujino, Shiro and 小野, 旭 and Ono, Akira}, month = {Dec}, note = {綿糸部門:付加価値額、綿糸部門:付加価値率、綿糸部門:労働分配率、兼営綿織物部門:付加価値額、兼営綿織物部門:付加価値率、兼営綿織物部門:労働分配率、綿糸紡績業:付加価値額、綿糸紡績業:付加価値率、綿糸紡績業:労働分配率, Cotton Spinning Sector: Value Added, Cotton Spinning Sector: Value Added Ratio, Cotton Spinning Sector: Relative Share of Labor, Cotton Weaving Sector: Value Added, Cotton Weaving Sector: Value Added Ratio, Cotton Weaving Sector: Relative Share of Labor, Cotton Spinning Industry: Value Added, Cotton Spinning Industry: Value Added Ratio, Cotton Spinning Industry: Relative Share of Labor, 組織, Organization, 公的統計: 集計データ、統計表, official statistics: aggregate data, 編集/統合, Compilation/Synthesis}, title = {付加価値(当年価格),付加価値率および労働分配率(1894~1937年):長期経済統計 繊維工業 第47表}, year = {2022} }