@misc{oai:d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp:02019623, author = {江見, 康一 and Emi, Koichi and 塩野谷, 祐一 and Shionoya,Yuichi}, month = {Dec}, note = {社会保険、公的扶助、医療,公衆衛生、社会福祉、小計 (A)、恩給、軍人恩給,遺家族援護、留守家族,引揚者援護、累計 (B)、失業対策、住宅施設、累計 (C), Social Insurance, Public Relief, Medical Care & Public Health, Social Welfare, Sub-Total (A), Pensions of Civilians, Pensions of Old Soldiers and Assistances to Families of Dead Soldiers, Aid to Families of Soldiers and Repatriates, Cumulative Sub-Total (B), Unemployment Measures, Housing, Cumulative Total (C), 組織, Organization, 公的統計: 集計データ、統計表, official statistics: aggregate data, 編集/統合, Compilation/Synthesis}, title = {社会保障関係費 c. 社会保障制度審議会推計(昭和25~36年度)総額:長期経済統計 財政支出 第13表-c1}, year = {2022} }