@misc{oai:d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp:02019682, author = {大川, 一司 and Ohkawa, Kazushi and 野田, 孜 and Noda, Tsutomu and 高松, 信清 and Takamatsu, Nobukiyo and 山田, 三郎 and Yamada, Saburo and 熊崎, 実 and Kumazaki, Minoru and 塩野谷, 祐一 and Shionoya,Yuichi and 南, 亮進 and Minami, Ryoshin}, month = {Dec}, note = {米、かつお節、味噌、醤油、砂糖、小麦粉、製茶、清酒、刻みたばこ、西洋たばこ、食料品合計、くり綿、麻、生糸、綿糸、毛織糸、羽二重、絹ハンカチ、甲斐絹、絹裏地、真綿、かなきん、白木綿、フランネル、モスリン、毛繻子、羅紗、繊維合計、木製品、肥料糠、魚肥、油しめかす、塩、さらし蝋、油、藍、和紙、洋紙、苛性ソーダ、生漆、皮革、マッチ、石油、化学合計、板ガラス、セメント、レンガ、瓦、石材、石灰、かき灰、窯業合計、洋鉄、洋釘、銅、鉛、金、銀、金属合計、機械、木製品、畳表、和紙、皮革、雑合計、製造業総合, Rice, Katsuobushi (dried bonito), Miso (bean paste), Soy Sauce, Sugar, Wheat Flour, Green Tea, Sake (rice wine), Tobacco, Cigarettes, Foods Total, Ginned Cotton, Hemp, Raw Silk, Cotton Yarn, Woolen & Worsted Yarn, Habutae Silk, Silk Handkerchief, Kaiki Silk, Silk-lining, Silk-Wadding, Cotton Shirting, Bleached Cotton Cloth, Flannel Cloth, Muslin, Woolen Satin, Rasha Woolen Cloth, Textile Products Total, Forest Products, Rice Bran For Fertilizer, Fish Cake, Rape & Soybean Cake, Salt, Japanese Tallow, Rape & Sesame Oil, Indigo, Japanese Style Paper, Western Style Paper, Caustic Soda, Japanese Lacquer, Leather, Matches, Petroleum, Chemical Products Total, Sheet Glass, Cement, Brick, Roofing Tile, Building Stone, Lime, Oyster Lime, Stone, Clay & Glass Products Total, Steel, Nails, Copper, Lead, Gold, Silver, Metals Total, Machinery, Forest Products, Tatami-omote mat, Japanese Style Paper, Leather, Miscellaneous Total, All Manufacturing, 組織, Organization, 公的統計: 集計データ、統計表, official statistics: aggregate data, 編集/統合, Compilation/Synthesis}, title = {品目別工業製品価格指数 第Ⅲ期 1901~1915年:長期経済統計 物価 第16表-3}, year = {2022} }