@misc{oai:d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp:02019710, author = {大川, 一司 and Ohkawa, Kazushi and 石渡, 茂 and Ishiwata, Shigeru and 山田, 三郎 and Yamada, Saburo and 石, 弘光 and Ishi, Hiromitsu}, month = {Jan}, note = {粗資本:林業:人工林、粗資本:林業:林道、粗資本:林業:炭窯、粗資本:林業:計、粗資本:水産業:漁船、粗資本:水産業:漁網、粗資本:水産業:計、純資本:林業:人工林、純資本:林業:林道、純資本:林業:炭窯、純資本:林業:計、純資本:水産業:漁船、純資本:水産業:漁網、純資本:水産業:計, Gross of Depreciation: Forestry: Planted Forest, Gross of Depreciation: Forestry: Forest Roads, Gross of Depreciation: Forestry: Charcoal Kilns, Gross of Depreciation: Forestry: Total, Gross of Depreciation: Fishery: Fishing Boats, Gross of Depreciation: Fishery: Fishing Nets, Gross of Depreciation: Fishery: Total, Net of Depreciation: Forestry: Planted Forest, Net of Depreciation: Forestry: Forest Roads, Net of Depreciation: Forestry: Charcoal Kilns, Net of Depreciation: Forestry: Total, Net of Depreciation: Fishery: Fishing Boats, Net of Depreciation: Fishery: Fishing Nets, Net of Depreciation: Fishery: Total, 組織, Organization, 公的統計: 集計データ、統計表, official statistics: aggregate data, 編集/統合, Compilation/Synthesis}, title = {林業,水産業資本:長期経済統計 資本ストック 第4表}, year = {2023} }