@misc{oai:d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp:02019836, author = {江見, 康一 and Emi, Koichi}, month = {Jan}, note = {工場数:4人以下、工場数:5−9人、工場数:5人以上、工場数: (1)/ (2)、工場数: (2)/ (3)、従業者数:4人以下、従業者数:5−9人、従業者数:5人以上、従業者数: (6)/ (7)、従業者数: (7)/ (8)、従業者数:5人以上, Number of Factories: 4 Workers and Below, Number of Factories: 5-9 Workers, Number of Factories: 5 Workers and Over, Number of Factories: (1)/(2), Number of Factories: (2)/(3), Number of Employees: 4 Workers and Below, Number of Employees: 5-9 Workers, Number of Employees: 5 Workers and Over, Number of Employees: (6)/(7), Number of Employees: (7)/(8), Number of Employees: 5 Workers and Over, 組織, Organization, 公的統計: 集計データ、統計表, official statistics: aggregate data, 編集/統合, Compilation/Synthesis}, title = {機械器具工業の関連指標(1909~1947)(その1):長期経済統計 資本形成 第52表(その1)}, year = {2023} }