@misc{oai:d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp:02019848, author = {江見, 康一 and Emi, Koichi and 伊東, 政吉 and Ito, Masakichi and 江口, 英一 and Eguchi, Hidekazu}, month = {Feb}, note = {国立:A、日本:B、横浜正金:C、勧業:D、農工:E、北海道拓殖:F、興業:G、普通:H、貯蓄:I、計1、計2 (日銀を除く), National Banks: A, The Bank of Japan: B, The Yokohama Specie Bank: C, The Nippon Kangyo Bank: D, Agricultural & Industrial Banks: E, The Hokkaido Takushoku Bank: F, The Industrial Bank of Japan: G, Private Ordinary Banks: H, Savings Banks: I, Total, Total (Excl. Bank of Japan), 組織, Organization, 公的統計: 集計データ、統計表, official statistics: aggregate data, 編集/統合, Compilation/Synthesis}, title = {銀行預ケ金(銀行別)(1873~1947年):長期経済統計 貯蓄と通貨 第9表}, year = {2023} }