@misc{oai:d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp:02019893, author = {江見, 康一 and Emi, Koichi and 伊東, 政吉 and Ito, Masakichi and 江口, 英一 and Eguchi, Hidekazu}, month = {Feb}, note = {要求払預金:払戻高:月平均: (1)、要求払預金:月末残高:月平均: (2)、要求払預金:月末残高 (除,銀行保有小切手手形):月平均: (3)、要求払預金:回転率:払戻高/月末残高: (4)= (1)/ (3)、定期性預金:払戻高:月平均: (5)、定期性預金:月末残高:月平均: (6)、定期性預金:回転率:払戻高/月末残高: (7)= (5)/ (6)、一般・公金預金,計:払戻高:月平均: (8)、一般・公金預金,計:月末残高:月平均: (9)、一般・公金預金,計:月末残高 (除,銀行保有小切手手形):月平均: (10)、一般・公金預金,計:回転率:払戻高/月末残高: (11)= (8)/ (10)、一般・公金預金,計:当座預金:払戻高:月平均: (12)、一般・公金預金,計:当座預金:月末残高:月平均: (13)、一般・公金預金,計:当座預金:回転率:払戻高/月末残高: (14)= (12)/ (13)、 (参考):銀行保有小切手手形:月平均: (15)、 (参考):全国手形交換高:月平均: (16), Demand Deposits: Debits: Monthly Average: (1), Demand Deposits: Deposits End of Month: Monthly Average: (2), Demand Deposits: Deposits End of Month (Excluding Checks & Bills Held by All Banks): Monthly Average: (3), Demand Deposits: Turnover: Debits/Deposits End of Month: (4)= (1)/(3), Time Deposits: Debits: Monthly Average: (5), Time Deposits: Deposits End of Month: Monthly Average: (6), Time Deposits: Turnover: Debits/Deposits End of Month: (7)= (5)/(6), Total: Deposits of Private Nonfinancial Firms & Individuals and Local Governments: Debits: Monthly Average: (8), Total: Deposits of Private Nonfinancial Firms & Individuals and Local Governments: Deposits End of Month: Monthly Average: (9), Total: Deposits of Private Nonfinancial Firms & Individuals and Local Governments: Deposits End of Month (Excluding Checks & Bills Held by All Banks): Monthly Average: (10), Total: Deposits of Private Nonfinancial Firms & Individuals and Local Governments: Turnover: Debits/Deposits End of Month: (11)= (8)/(10), Total: Deposits of Private Nonfinancial Firms & Individuals and Local Governments: Current Deposits: Debits: Monthly Average: (12), Total: Deposits of Private Nonfinancial Firms & Individuals and Local Governments: Current Deposits: Deposits End of Month: Monthly Average: (13), Total: Deposits of Private Nonfinancial Firms & Individuals and Local Governments: Current Deposits: Turnover: Debits/Deposits End of Month: (14)= (12)/(13), Reference: Checks & Bills Held by All Banks: Monthly Average: (15), Reference: Clearings of Checks & Bills in All Clearing Houses: Monthly Average: (16), 組織, Organization, 公的統計: 集計データ、統計表, official statistics: aggregate data, 編集/統合, Compilation/Synthesis}, title = {全国銀行,一般・公金預金,預金払戻高および回転率(1948~1984年):長期経済統計 貯蓄と通貨 第49表}, year = {2023} }