@misc{oai:d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp:02019977, author = {篠原, 三代平 and Shinohara, Miyohei}, month = {Feb}, note = {生産額、運賃込み価額、輸入額、朝鮮よりの移入額、供給可能額、卸売価額、輸出額、朝鮮ヘの移出額、台湾ヘの移出額、国内供給額、国内消費額, Value of Production, Value of Production plus Freight, Imports from Foreign Countries, Imports from Korea, Available Supply (Producer's Prices), Available Supply (Wholesale Prices), Exports to Foreign Countries, Exports to Korea, Exports to Taiwan, Domestic Supply (Wholesale Prices), Value of Consumption, 組織, Organization, 公的統計: 集計データ、統計表, official statistics: aggregate data, 編集/統合, Compilation/Synthesis}, title = {絹および絹綿織物バランスシートと消費額(1909~1940):長期経済統計 個人消費支出 第81表}, year = {2023} }