@misc{oai:d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp:02026663, author = {山澤, 逸平 and Yamazawa, Ippei and 山本, 有造 and Yamamoto, Yuzo}, month = {Mar}, note = {輸出と海外からの所得受取り:計、輸出と海外からの所得受取り:財貨非要素サービスの輸出:計、輸出と海外からの所得受取り:財貨非要素サービスの輸出:商品、輸出と海外からの所得受取り:財貨非要素サービスの輸出:その他、輸出と海外からの所得受取り:海外からの所得受取り、輸入と海外ヘの所得支払:計、輸入と海外ヘの所得支払:財貨非要素サービスの輸入:計、輸入と海外ヘの所得支払:財貨非要素サービスの輸入:商品、輸入と海外ヘの所得支払:財貨非要素サービスの輸入:その他、輸入と海外ヘの所得支払:海外ヘの所得支払、輸出入と所得の収支差、個人送金純受取り、政府関係純贈与、海外に対する債権の純増, Exports of Goods and Services and Factor Income from Abroad: Total, Exports of Goods and Services and Factor Income from Abroad: Exports of Goods and Non-factor Services: Total, Exports of Goods and Services and Factor Income from Abroad: Exports of Goods and Non-factor Services: Merchandise, Exports of Goods and Services and Factor Income from Abroad: Exports of Goods and Non-factor Services: Others, Exports of Goods and Services and Factor Income from Abroad: Factor Income Received from Abroad, Imports of Goods and Services and Factor Income Paid Abroad: Total, Imports of Goods and Services and Factor Income Paid Abroad: Imports of Goods and Non-factor Services: Total, Imports of Goods and Services and Factor Income Paid Abroad: Imports of Goods and Non-factor Services: Merchandise, Imports of Goods and Services and Factor Income Paid Abroad: Imports of Goods and Non-factor Services: Others, Imports of Goods and Services and Factor Income Paid Abroad: Factor Income Paid Abroad, Net Exports of Goods and Serviecs and Net Factor Income, Net Transfers of Private, Net Transfers of Government, Net Lending to the Rest of the World, 組織, Organization, 公的統計: 集計データ、統計表, official statistics: aggregate data, 編集/統合, Compilation/Synthesis}, title = {海外勘定表(当年価格,1868~1970年):長期経済統計 貿易と国際収支 第15表}, year = {2023} }