@misc{oai:d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp:02026669, author = {山澤, 逸平 and Yamazawa, Ippei and 山本, 有造 and Yamamoto, Yuzo}, month = {Mar}, note = {米、小麦、コーヒー、穀類,澱粉、砂糖、果実罐詰、肉罐詰、コンデンスミルク、ウイスキー、繰綿、羊毛、綿糸、毛糸、人絹糸、綿織物、毛織物、ジュート織物、肌着、靴下、じゅうたん、木材、天然ゴム、靴底革、製紙用パルプ、ゴム製品、紙、板ガラス、履物、鉛筆、写真用フィルム、楽器、採油種、植物性油、獣脂、石油、石炭、パラフィンワックス、苛性ソーダ、クロール酸カリ、硫安、合成染料、セルロイド、石けん、香水、鉄鉱石、銑鉄、鉛、形鋼、鋼板、鋼管、釘、鉄道用レール、建設材料、刃物、船舶、工作機械、紡績機械、発電機、自動車、カメラ、時計、全輸入品, Rice and Paddy, Wheat, Coffee, Flours, Meals, and Starches, Sugar, Vegetable and Fruits in Tin, Meat and Fish in Tin, Condensed Milk, Whisky, Cotton Ginned, Wool, Cotton Yarns, Woolen Yarns, Artificial Silk, Cotton Fabrics, Woolen Fabrics, Jute Fabrics, Undershirts, Hosiery, Carpets, Pine, Fir, and Cedar, Natural Rubber, Sole Leather, Pulp for Paper Making, Rubber Manufactures, Paper, Glass (Sheets and Plate), Shoes, Pencils, Films for Photograph, Musical Instruments, Oil Seeds, Vegetable Oil, Animal Fats, Mineral Oils, Coal, Paraffin Wax, Caustic Soda, Chlorate of Potash, Ammonium Sulphate, Synthetic Dyestuff, Celluloud, Soaps, Perfumed Water, Iron Ore, Pig Iron, Lead, Ingot, Iron and Steel (Bar, Rod, Shapes), Iron and Steel (Plate, Sheets), Iron and Steel (Pipes, Tubes), Nails, Rails, Materials for Construction, Cutlery, Ships, Working Machines, Spinning Machines, Dynamos and Electric Motor, Automobiles, Camera, Watches, Total Imports, 組織, Organization, 公的統計: 集計データ、統計表, official statistics: aggregate data, 編集/統合, Compilation/Synthesis}, title = {個別商品の関税率:長期経済統計 貿易と国際収支 第21表}, year = {2023} }