@misc{oai:d-repo.ier.hit-u.ac.jp:02035762, author = {梅村, 又次 and Umemura, Mataji and 赤坂, 敬子 and Akasaka, Keiko and 南, 亮進 and Minami, Ryoshin and 高松, 信清 and Takamatsu, Nobukiyo and 新居, 玄武 and Arai, Kurotake and 伊藤, 繁 and Itoh, Shigeru}, month = {Mar}, note = {全産業、農業、林業、林業:森林業、林業:炭焼業、林業:その他の林業、水産業、鉱業、鉱業:石炭鉱業、鉱業:石油鉱業、鉱業:金属鉱業、鉱業:その他の採鉱業、鉱業:土石採取業、建設業、製造業、製造業:金属工業、製造業:機械器具工業、製造業:化学工業、製造業:窯業及び土石工業、製造業:紡績工業、製造業:製材及び木製品工業、製造業:食料品工業、製造業:印刷業及び製本業、製造業:その他の工業、ガス・電気・水道業、ガス業、電気業、水道業、商業、商業:販売業、商業:売買仲立業、商業:倉庫業、金融・保険業、金融・保険業:銀行業・信託業、金融・保険業:保険業、金融・保険業:証券業、金融・保険業:その他の金融業、運輸、通信業、運輸業、通信業、サービス業、サービス業:接客業、サービス業:理髪・理容業及び浴場業、サービス業:周旋・紹介業、サービス業:物品預かり業・賃貸業、サービス業:娯楽興行、サービス業:家事業、サービス業:その他のサービス業、自由業、自由業:医療・衛生、自由業:教育、自由業:宗教、自由業:法務、自由業:著述業・芸術・遊芸、自由業:団体及びその他の自由業、公務、その他の産業, All Industries, Agriculture, Forestry, Forestry: Forestry, Forestry: Charcoal, Forestry: Other Forestry, Fishery, Mining, Mining: Coal Mining, Mining: Petroleum Mining, Mining: Metal Mining, Mining: Other Mining, Mining: Quarrying, Construction, Manufacturing, Manufacturing: Metal Products, Manufacturing: Machine and Tool, Manufacturing: Chemical Products, Manufacturing: Ceramic, Clay and Stone Products, Manufacturing: Spinning and Textile Products, Manufacturing: Lumber and Wood Products, Manufacturing: Food and Beverage, Manufacturing: Printing and Bookbinding, Manufacturing: Other Manufacturing, Electric Power, Gas and Water Supply, Gas Supply, Electric Power Supply, Water Supply, Commerce, Commerce: Retail & Wholesale Trade, Commerce: Agency & Brokerage, Commerce: Warehouse, Finance and Insurance, Finance and Insurance: Banking and Trust Business, Finance and Insurance: Insurance, Finance and Insurance: Security Business, Finance and Insurance: Other Financial Business, Transportation and Communication, Transportation, Communication, Services, Services: Restaurant, Services: Hair-dressing and Public Bath, Services: Agents, Services: Cloak-room and Lease, Services: Amusement Business, Services: Domestic Services, Services: Other Services, Professional Services, Professional Services: Medical and Sanitary Service, Professional Services: Education, Professional Services: Religion, Professional Services: Judicial Services, Professional Services: Writer and Artist, Professional Services: Other Professional Services, Public Service, Other Industries, 組織, Organization, 公的統計: 集計データ、統計表, official statistics: aggregate data, 編集/統合, Compilation/Synthesis}, title = {戦時下の男女・産業別有業者数(中分類) 1940,1944,1947年:長期経済統計 労働力 第22表}, year = {2023} }