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Population Census
Survey Outline, Questionnaire, etc.
Establishment and Enterprise Census
Questionnaire Item
Survey Outline, Questionnaire, etc.
Monthly Labour Survey
Industrial Classification
Questionnaire Item
Survey Outline, Questionnaire, etc.
Survey Outline, Questionnaire, etc.
Questionnaire Item
Survey Outline, Questionnaire, etc.
Questionnaire Item
Industrial Classification
Survey on Port and Harbour
Questionnaire Item
Survey Outline, Questionnaire, etc.
Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities
Questionnaire Item
Occupation Classification
Survey Outline, Questionnaire, etc.
Employment Status Survey
Questionnaire Item
Occupation Classification
Industrial Classification
New IndexSurvey Outline, Questionnaire, etc.
Statistical Survey of Work and Labour
Questionnaire Item
Industrial Classification
Occupation Classification
Survey Outline, Questionnaire, etc.
Statistical Survey on Farm Management and Economy
Questionnaire Item
Survey Outline, Questionnaire, etc.
National Survey of Family Income and Expenditure
Questionnaire Item
Industrial Classification
Occupation Classification
Survey Outline, Questionnaire, etc.
Housing and Land Survey
Questionnaire Item
Survey Outline, Questionnaire, etc.
Labour Force Survey
Questionnaire Item
Survey Outline, Questionnaire, etc.
Census of Agriculture and Forestry
Questionnaire Item
Survey Outline, Questionnaire, etc.
Long-Term Economic Statistics
National Income
Capital stock
Capital Formation
Savings and Currency
Personal Consumption Expenditures
Government expenditure
Agriculture and Forestry
Mining and Manufacturing
Railroads and electric utilities
Foreign Trade and Balance of Payments
Japan Statistical Yearbook
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 59 (1940)
1 Land
2 Population
3 Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries
4 Industry
5 Domestic Trade and Finance
6 Foreign Trade
7 Transportation
8 Welfare
9 Labor
10 Education, Shrines, and Religion
11 Police, Public Health and Sanitation, and Disasters
12 Justice
13 Public Finance
14 Public Servants' Pension and Other
1 Land
2 Population
3 Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries
4 Mining and Industry
5 Domestic Trade and Finance
6 Foreign Trade
7 Transportation
8 Social Work
9 Labor and Employment Referrals
10 Education, Shrines, and Religion
11 Police, Public Health and Sanitation, and Disasters
12 Justice
13 Public Finance
14 Elections, Officials, and Rewards
15 Industry Organizations
16 International Statistics
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 57 (1938)
1 Land
2 Population
3 Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries
4 Mining and Industry
5 Domestic Trade and Finance
6 Foreign Trade
7 Transportation
8 Social Work
9 Labor and Employment Referrals
10 Education, Shrines, and Religion
11 Police, Public Health and Sanitation, and Disasters
12 Justice
13 Public Finance
14 Elections, Officials, Military, and Rewards
15 Industry Organizations
1 Land
2 Population
3 Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries
4 Mining and Industry
5 Domestic Trade and Finance
6 Foreign Trade
7 Transportation
8 Social Work
9 Labor
10 Education and Religion
11 Police, Public Health and Sanitation, and Disasters
12 Justice
13 Public Finance
14 Elections, Officials, Military, and Rewards
15 International Statistics
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 55 (1936)
1 Land and Weather
2 Population
3 Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries
4 Mining and Industry
5 Domestic Trade and Finance
6 Foreign Trade
7 Transportation
8 Social Work
9 Labor
10 Education and Religion
11 Police, Public Health and Sanitation, and Disasters
12 Justice
13 Public Finance
14 Elections, Officials, Military, and Rewards
15 International Statistics
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 54 (1935)
1 Land and Weather
2 Population
3 Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries
4 Mining and Industry
5 Domestic Trade and Finance
6 Foreign Trade
7 Transportation
8 Social Work
9 Labor
10 Education and Religion
11 Police, Public Health and Sanitation, and Disasters
12 Justice
13 Public Finance
14 Elections, Officials, Military, and Rewards
15 International Statistics
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 53 (1934)
1 Land and Weather
2 Population
3 Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries
4 Mining and Industry
5 Domestic Trade and Finance
6 Foreign Trade
7 Transportation
8 Social Work
9 Labor
10 Education and Religion
11 Police, Public Health and Sanitation, and Disasters
12 Justice
13 Public Finance
14 Elections, Officials, Military, and Rewards
15 International Statistics
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 52 (1933)
1 Land and Weather
2 Population
3 Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries
4 Mining and Industry
5 Domestic Trade and Finance
6 Foreign Trade
7 Transportation
8 Social Work
9 Labor
10 Education and Religion
11 Police, Public Health and Sanitation, and Disasters
12 Justice
13 Public Finance
14 Elections, Officials, Military, and Rewards
15 International Statistics
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 51 (1932)
1 Land and Weather
2 Population
3 Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries
4 Mining and Industry
5 Domestic Trade and Finance
6 Foreign Trade
7 Transportation
8 Social Work
9 Labor
10 Education and Religion
11 Police, Public Health and Sanitation, and Disasters
12 Justice
13 Public Finance
14 Elections, Officials, Military, and Rewards
15 International Statistics
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 50 (1931)
1 Land and Weather
2 Population
3 Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries
4 Mining and Industry
5 Domestic Trade and Finance
6 Foreign Trade
7 Transportation
8 Social Work
9 Labor
10 Education and Religion
11 Police, Public Health and Sanitation, and Disasters
12 Justice
13 Public Finance
14 Elections, Officials, Military, and Rewards
15 International Statistics
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 49 (1930)
1 Land and Weather
2 Population
3 Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries
4 Mining and Industry
5 Domestic Trade and Finance
6 Foreign Trade
7 Transportation
8 Social Work
9 Labor
10 Education and Religion
11 Police, Public Health and Sanitation, and Disasters
12 Justice
13 Public Finance
14 Elections, Officials, Military, and Rewards
15 International Statistics
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 48 (1929)
1 Land and Weather
2 Population
3 Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries
4 Mining and Industry
5 Domestic Trade and Finance
6 Foreign Trade
7 Transportation
8 Social Work
9 Labor
10 Education and Religion
11 Police, Public Health and Sanitation, and Disasters
12 Justice
13 Public Finance
14 Elections, Officials, Military, and Rewards
15 International Statistics
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 47 (1928)
1 Land and Weather
2 Population
3 Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries
4 Mining and Industry
5 Domestic Trade and Finance
6 Foreign Trade
7 Transportation
8 Social Work
9 Labor
10 Education and Religion
11 Police, Public Health and Sanitation, and Disasters
12 Justice
13 Public Finance
14 Elections, Officials, Military, and Rewards
15 International Statistics
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 46 (1927)
1 Land
2 Weather
3 Population
4 Agriculture
5 Livestock and Poultry
6 Forestry and Hunting
8 Mining
9 Industry and Wages
10 Foreign Trade
11 Domestic Trade, Prices, and Corporations
12 Industry Cooperatives and Producer Cooperatives
13 Electricity Businesses and Gas Businesses
14 Transportation
15 Telecommunications and Postal Money Orders and Savings
16 Mintage and Measuring Instruments
17 Banking and Finance
18 Insurance
19 Mutual Aid Associations of Government Office Field Staff
20 Relief and Fostering
21 Disasters
22 Public Health and Sanitation
23 Education
24 Shrines, Temples, and Churches
25 Labor
26 Employment Referrals
27 Labor Disputes and Tenant Farming Disputes
28 Police
29 Court Cases and Registrations
30 Prisons and Prisoners
31 Army and Navy
32 Public Finance
33 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
34 Representatives and Voters
35 Public Servants and Pensions
36 Korea, Taiwan, Sakhalin, Kwantung, South Pacific, and Hokkaido
37 International Statistics
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 45 (1926)
1 Land
2 Weather
3 Population
4 Agriculture
5 Livestock and Poultry
6 Forestry and Hunting
7 Fishery and Salt Making
8 Mining
9 Industry and Wages
10 Foreign Trade
11 Domestic Trade, Prices, and Corporations
12 Industry Cooperatives and Producer Cooperatives
13 Electricity Businesses and Gas Businesses
14 Transportation
15 Telecommunications and Postal Money Orders and Savings
16 Mintage and Measuring Instruments
17 Banking and Finance
18 Insurance
19 Mutual Aid Associations of Government Office Field Staff
20 Education and Charity
21 Disasters
22 Public Health and Sanitation
23 Education
24 Shrines, Temples, and Churches
25 Labor
26 Employment Referrals
27 Labor Disputes and Tenant Farming Disputes
28 Police
29 Court Cases and Registrations
30 Prisons and Prisoners
31 Army and Navy
32 Public Finance
33 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
34 Representatives and Voters
35 Public Servants and Pensions
36 Korea, Taiwan, Sakhalin, Kwantung, South Pacific, and Hokkaido
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 44 (1925)
1 Land
2 Weather
3 Population
4 Agriculture
5 Livestock and Poultry
6 Forestry and Hunting
7 Fishery and Salt Making
8 Mining
9 Industry and Wages
10 Foreign Trade
11 Domestic Trade and Corporations
12 Industry Cooperatives and Producer Cooperatives
13 Electricity Businesses and Gas Businesses
14 Transportation
15 Telecommunications and Postal Money Orders and Savings
16 Mintage and Measuring Instruments
17 Banking and Finance
18 Insurance
19 Mutual Aid Associations of Government Office Field Staff
20 Relief and Fostering
21 Disasters
22 Public Health and Sanitation
23 Education
24 Shrines, Temples, and Churches
25 Employment Referrals
26 Labor Disputes and Tenant Farming Disputes
27 Police
28 Court Cases and Registrations
29 Prisons and Prisoners
30 Army
31 Navy
32 Public Finance
33 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
34 Representatives and Voters
35 Public Servants and Pensions
36 Korea, Taiwan, Sakhalin, Kwantung, and Hokkaido
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 43 (1924)
1 Land
2 Weather
3 Population
4 Agriculture
5 Livestock and Poultry
6 Forestry and Hunting
7 Fishery and Salt Making
8 Mining
9 Industry and Wages
10 Foreign Trade
11 Domestic Trade and Corporations
12 Industry Cooperatives and Producer Cooperatives
13 Electricity Businesses and Gas Businesses
14 Transportation
15 Telecommunications and Postal Money Orders and Savings
16 Mintage and Measuring Instruments
17 Banking and Finance
18 Insurance
19 Mutual Aid Associations of Government Office Field Staff
20 Relief and Fostering
21 Disasters
22 Public Health and Sanitation
23 Education
24 Shrines, Temples, and Churches
25 Police
26 Court Cases and Registrations
27 Prisons and Prisoners
28 Army
29 Navy
30 Public Finance
31 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
32 Representatives and Voters
33 Public Servants and Pensions
34 Korea, Taiwan, Sakhalin, Kwantung, and Hokkaido
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 42 (1923)
1 Land
2 Weather
3 Population
4 Agriculture
5 Livestock and Poultry
6 Forestry and Hunting
7 Fishery and Salt Making
8 Mining
9 Industry and Wages
10 Foreign Trade
11 Domestic Trade and Corporations
12 Industry Cooperatives and Producer Cooperatives
13 Electricity Businesses and Gas Businesses
14 Transportation
15 Telecommunications and Postal Money Orders and Savings
16 Mintage and Measuring Instruments
17 Banking and Finance
18 Insurance
19 Mutual Aid Associations of Government Office Field Staff
20 Relief and Fostering
21 Disasters
22 Public Health and Sanitation
23 Education
24 Shrines, Temples, and Churches
25 Police
26 Court Cases and Registrations
27 Prisons
28 Army
29 Navy
30 Public Finance
31 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
32 Representatives and Voters
33 Public Servants and Pensions
34 Korea, Taiwan, Sakhalin, Kwantung, and Hokkaido
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 41 (1922)
1 Land
2 Weather
3 Population
4 Agriculture
5 Livestock and Poultry
6 Forestry and Hunting
7 Fishery and Salt Making
8 Mining
9 Industry and Wages
10 Foreign Trade
11 Domestic Trade and Corporations
12 Industry Cooperatives and Producer Cooperatives
13 Electricity Businesses and Gas Businesses
14 Transportation
15 Telecommunications and Postal Money Orders and Savings
16 Mintage and Measuring Instruments
17 Banking and Finance
18 Insurance
19 Mutual Aid Associations of Government Office Field Staff
20 Relief and Fostering
21 Disasters
22 Public Health and Sanitation
23 Education
24 Shrines, Temples, and Churches
25 Police
26 Court Cases and Registrations
27 Prisons
28 Army
29 Navy
30 Public Finance
31 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
32 Representatives and Voters
33 Public Servants and Pensions
34 Korea, Taiwan, Sakhalin, Kwantung, and Hokkaido
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 40 (1921)
1 Land
2 Weather
3 Population
4 Agriculture
5 Livestock and Poultry
6 Forestry and Hunting
7 Fishery and Salt Making
8 Mining
9 Industry and Wages
10 Foreign Trade
11 Domestic Trade and Corporations
12 Industry Cooperatives and Producer Cooperatives
13 Electricity Businesses and Gas Businesses
14 Transportation
15 Telecommunications and Postal Money Orders and Savings
16 Mintage and Measuring Instruments
17 Banking and Finance
18 Insurance
19 Mutual Aid Associations of Government Office Field Staff
20 Relief and Fostering
21 Disasters
22 Public Health and Sanitation
23 Education
24 Shrines, Temples, and Churches
25 Police
26 Court Cases and Registrations
27 Prisons
28 Army
29 Navy
30 Public Finance
31 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
32 Representatives and Voters
33 Public Servants and Pensions
34 Korea, Taiwan, Sakhalin, Kwantung, and Hokkaido
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 39 (1920)
1 Land
2 Weather
3 Population
4 Agriculture
5 Livestock and Poultry
6 Forestry and Hunting
7 Fishery and Salt Making
8 Mining
9 Industry and Wages
10 Foreign Trade
11 Domestic Trade and Corporations
12 Industry Cooperatives and Producer Cooperatives
13 Electricity Businesses and Gas Businesses
14 Transportation
15 Telecommunications and Postal Money Orders and Savings
16 Mintage and Measuring Instruments
17 Banking and Finance
18 Insurance
19 Mutual Aid Associations of Government Office Field Staff
20 Relief and Fostering
21 Disasters
22 Public Health and Sanitation
23 Education
24 Shrines, Temples, and Churches
25 Police
26 Court Cases and Registrations
27 Prisons
28 Army
29 Navy
30 Public Finance
31 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
32 Representatives and Voters
33 Public Servants and Pensions
34 Korea, Taiwan, Sakhalin, Kwantung, and Hokkaido
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 38 (1919)
1 Land
2 Weather
3 Population
4 Agriculture
5 Livestock and Poultry
6 Forestry and Hunting
7 Fishery and Salt Making
8 Mining
9 Industry and Wages
10 Foreign Trade
11 Domestic Trade and Corporations
12 Industry Cooperatives and Producer Cooperatives
13 Electricity Businesses and Gas Businesses
14 Transportation
15 Telecommunications and Postal Money Orders and Savings
16 Mintage and Measuring Instruments
17 Banking and Finance
18 Insurance
19 Mutual Aid Associations of Government Office Field Staff
20 Relief and Fostering
21 Disasters
22 Public Health and Sanitation
23 Education
24 Shrines, Temples, and Churches
25 Police
26 Court Cases and Registrations
27 Prisons
28 Army
29 Navy
30 Public Finance
31 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
32 Representatives and Voters
33 Public Servants and Pensions
34 Korea, Taiwan, Sakhalin, Kwantung, and Hokkaido
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 37 (1918)
1 Land
2 Weather
3 Population
4 Agriculture
5 Livestock and Poultry
6 Forestry and Hunting
7 Fishery and Salt Making
8 Mining
9 Industry and Wages
10 Foreign Trade
11 Domestic Trade and Corporations
12 Industry Cooperatives and Producer Cooperatives
13 Electricity Businesses and Gas Businesses
14 Transportation
15 Telecommunications and Postal Money Orders and Savings
16 Mintage and Measuring Instruments
17 Banking and Finance
18 Insurance
19 Mutual Aid Associations of Government Office Field Staff
20 Relief and Fostering
21 Disasters
22 Public Health and Sanitation
23 Education
24 Shrines, Temples, and Churches
25 Police
26 Court Cases and Registrations
27 Prisons
28 Army
29 Navy
30 Public Finance
31 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
32 Representatives and Voters
33 Public Servants and Pensions
34 Korea, Taiwan, Sakhalin, Kwantung, and Hokkaido
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 36 (1917)
1 Land
2 Weather
3 Population
4 Agriculture
5 Livestock and Poultry
6 Forestry and Hunting
7 Fishery and Salt Making
8 Mining
9 Industry and Wages
10 Foreign Trade
11 Domestic Trade and Corporations
12 Industry Cooperatives and Producer Cooperatives
13 Electricity Businesses and Gas Businesses
14 Transportation
15 Telecommunications and Postal Money Orders and Savings
16 Mintage and Measuring Instruments
17 Banking and Finance
18 Insurance
19 Mutual Aid Associations of Government Office Field Staff
20 Relief and Fostering
21 Disasters
22 Public Health and Sanitation
23 Education
24 Shrines, Temples, and Churches
25 Police
26 Court Cases and Registrations
27 Prisons
28 Army
29 Navy
30 Public Finance
31 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
32 Representatives and Voters
33 Public Servants and Pensions
34 Hokkaido
35 Korea
36 Taiwan
37 Sakhalin
38 Kwantung Leased Territory
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 35 (1916)
1 Land
2 Weather
3 Population
4 Agriculture
5 Livestock and Poultry
6 Forestry and Hunting
7 Fishery and Salt Making
8 Mining
9 Industry and Wages
10 Foreign Trade
11 Domestic Trade and Corporations
12 Industry Cooperatives and Producer Cooperatives
13 Electricity Businesses and Gas Businesses
14 Transportation
15 Telecommunications and Postal Money Orders and Savings
16 Mintage and Measuring Instruments
17 Banking and Finance
18 Insurance
19 Mutual Aid Associations of Government Office Field Staff
20 Relief and Fostering
21 Disasters
22 Public Health and Sanitation
23 Education
24 Shrines, Temples, and Churches
25 Police
26 Court Cases and Registrations
27 Prisons
28 Army
29 Navy
30 Public Finance
31 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
32 Representatives and Voters
33 Public Servants and Pensions
34 Hokkaido
35 Korea
36 Taiwan
38 Kwantung Leased Territory
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 34 (1915)
1 Land
2 Weather
3 Population
4 Agriculture
5 Livestock and Poultry
6 Forestry and Hunting
7 Fishery and Salt Making
8 Mining
9 Industry and Wages
10 Foreign Trade
11 Domestic Trade and Corporations
12 Industry Cooperatives and Producer Cooperatives
13 Electricity Businesses and Gas Businesses
14 Transportation
15 Telecommunications and Postal Money Orders and Savings
16 Mintage and Measuring Instruments
17 Banking and Finance
18 Insurance
19 Mutual Aid Associations of Government Office Field Staff
20 Relief and Fostering
21 Disasters
22 Public Health and Sanitation
23 Education
24 Shrines, Temples, and Churches
25 Police
26 Court Cases and Registrations
27 Prisons
28 Army
29 Navy
30 Public Finance
31 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
32 Representatives and Voters
33 Public Servants and Pensions
34 Hokkaido
35 Korea
36 Taiwan
37 Sakhalin
38 Kwantung Leased Territory
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 33 (1914)
1 Land
2 Weather
3 Population
4 Agriculture
5 Livestock and Poultry
6 Forestry and Hunting
7 Fishery and Salt Making
8 Mining
9 Industry and Wages
10 Foreign Trade
11 Domestic Trade and Corporations
12 Industry Cooperatives and Producer Cooperatives
13 Electricity Businesses and Gas Businesses
14 Transportation
15 Telecommunications and Postal Money Orders and Savings
16 Mintage and Measuring Instruments
17 Banking and Finance
18 Insurance
19 Mutual Aid Associations of Government Office Field Staff
20 Relief and Fostering
21 Disasters
22 Public Health and Sanitation
23 Education
24 Shrines, Temples, and Churches
25 Police
26 Court Cases and Registrations
27 Prisons
28 Army
29 Navy
30 Public Finance
31 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
32 Representatives and Voters
33 Public Servants and Pensions
34 Hokkaido
35 Korea
36 Taiwan
37 Sakhalin
38 Kwantung Leased Territory
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 32 (1913)
1 Land
2 Weather
3 Population
4 Agriculture
5 Livestock and Poultry
6 Forestry and Hunting
7 Fishery and Salt Making
8 Mining
9 Industry and Wages
10 Foreign Trade
11 Domestic Trade and Corporations
12 Electricity Businesses and Gas Businesses
13 Transportation
12 Post, Telegraph, and Telephone
15 Banking and Finance
16 Savings and Insurance
17 Mutual Aid Associations of Government Office Field Staff
18 Relief and Fostering
19 Disasters
20 Public Health and Sanitation
21 Education
22 Shrines, Temples, and Churches
23 Court Cases and Registrations
24 Police
25 Prisons
26 Army
27 Navy
28 Public Finance
29 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
30 Representatives and Voters
31 Public Servants and Pensions
32 Hokkaido
33 Korea
34 Taiwan
35 Sakhalin
36 Kwantung Leased Territory
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 31 (1912)
1 Land
2 Weather
3 Population
4 Agriculture
5 Forestry and Hunting
6 Fishery and Salt Making
7 Mining
8 Industry and Wages
9 Foreign Trade
10 Domestic Trade and Corporations
11 Civil Engineering
12 Electric Lighting and Gas
13 Land Transportation
14 Water Transportation
15 Post, Telegraph, and Telephone
16 Banking and Finance
17 Savings and Insurance
18 Education and Charity
19 Public Health and Sanitation
20 Education
21 Shrines, Temples, and Churches
22 Court Cases and Registrations
23 Police
24 Prisons
25 Army
26 Navy
27 Public Finance
28 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
29 Representatives and Voters
30 Public Servants and Pensions
31 Hokkaido
32 Korea
33 Taiwan
34 Sakhalin
35 Kwantung Leased Territory
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 30 (1911)
1 Land
2 Weather
3 Population
4 Agriculture
5 Forestry and Hunting
6 Fishery and Salt Making
7 Mining
8 Industry and Wages
9 Foreign Trade
10 Domestic Trade and Corporations
11 Education
12 Shrines, Temples, and Churches
13 Court Cases and Registrations
14 Police
15 Prisons
16 Construction
17 Land Transportation
18 Water Transportation
19 Post, Telegraph, and Telephone
20 Banking and Finance
21 Savings and Insurance
22 Relief and Fostering
23 Public Health and Sanitation
24 Army
25 Navy
26 Public Finance
27 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
28 Representatives and Voters
29 Public Servants and Pensions
30 Hokkaido
31 Korea
32 Taiwan
33 Sakhalin
34 Kwantung Leased Territory
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 29 (1910)
1 Land
2 Weather
3 Population
4 Agriculture
5 Forestry and Hunting
6 Fishery and Salt Making
7 Mining
8 Industry and Wages
9 Foreign Trade
10 Domestic Trade and Corporations
11 Banking and Finance
12 Land Transportation
13 Water Transportation
14 Post, Telegraph, and Telephone
15 Construction
16 Education
17 Shrines, Temples, and Churches
18 Court Cases and Registrations
19 Police
20 Prisons
21 Public Health and Sanitation
22 Relief and Fostering
23 Savings and Insurance
24 Army
25 Navy
26 Public Finance
27 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
28 Representatives and Voters
29 Public Servants and Pensions
30 Hokkaido
31 Korea
32 Taiwan
33 Sakhalin
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 28 (1909)
1 Land
2 Weather
4 Agriculture
5 Forestry and Hunting
6 Fishery and Salt Making
7 Mining
8 Industry and Wages
9 Foreign Trade
10 Domestic Trade and Corporations
11 Banking and Finance
12 Land Transportation
13 Water Transportation
14 Post, Telegraph, and Telephone
15 Construction
16 Education
17 Shrines, Temples, and Churches
18 Court Cases and Registrations
19 Police
20 Prisons
22 Relief and Fostering
23 Savings and Insurance
24 Army
25 Navy
27 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
28 Representatives and Voters
30 Hokkaido
31 Taiwan
32 Sakhalin
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 27 (1908)
1 Land
2 Population
3 Education
4 Shrines, Temples, and Churches
5 Civil and Criminal Court Cases
6 Police
7 Prisons
9 Navy
10 Agriculture
11 Forestry and Hunting
12 Fishery and Salt Making
13 Mining
14 Industry
15 Foreign Trade
16 Domestic Trade
17 Corporations
18 Land Transportation
19 Water Transportation
20 Post, Telegraph, and Telephone
21 Construction
22 Public Health and Sanitation
23 Relief
24 Banking and Finance
25 Savings and Insurance
26 Public Finance
27 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
28 Representatives and Voters
29 Civil and Military Service, and Appendices
30 Hokkaido
31 Taiwan
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 26 (1907)
1 Land
2 Population
3 Education
5 Civil and Criminal Court Cases
6 Police
7 Prisons
8 Army
9 Navy
11 Forestry and Hunting
12 Fishery and Salt Making
13 Mining
14 Industry
15 Foreign Trade
16 Domestic Trade
17 Corporations
19 Water Transportation
20 Post, Telegraph, and Telephone
21 Construction
22 Public Health and Sanitation
23 Relief
24 Banking and Finance
25 Savings and Insurance
26 Public Finance
27 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
28 Representatives and Voters
29 Civil and Military Service, and Appendices
30 Hokkaido
31 Taiwan
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 25 (1906)
1 Land
2 Population
3 Education
4 Shrines, Temples, and Churches
5 Civil and Criminal Court Cases
6 Police
7 Prisons
8 Army
9 Navy
10 Agriculture
11 Forestry and Hunting
12 Fishery and Salt Making
13 Mining
14 Industry
15 Foreign Trade
16 Domestic Trade
17 Corporations
18 Savings and Insurance
19 Land Transportation
20 Water Transportation
21 Post, Telegraph, and Telephone
22 Construction
23 Public Health and Sanitation
24 Relief
25 Banking and Finance
26 Public Finance
27 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
28 Representatives and Voters
29 Civil and Military Service, and Appendices
30 Hokkaido
31 Taiwan
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 24 (1905)
1 Land
2 Population
3 Education
4 Shrines, Temples, and Churches
5 Civil and Criminal Court Cases
6 Police
7 Prisons
8 Army
9 Navy
10 Agriculture
11 Forestry and Hunting
12 Fishery and Salt Making
13 Mining
14 Industry
15 Foreign Trade
16 Domestic Trade
17 Corporations
18 Savings and Insurance
19 Land Transportation
20 Water Transportation
21 Post, Telegraph, and Telephone
22 Construction
23 Public Health and Sanitation
24 Relief
25 Banking and Finance
26 Public Finance
27 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
28 Representatives and Voters
29 Civil and Military Service, and Appendices
30 Hokkaido
31 Taiwan
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 23 (1904)
1 Land
2 Population
3 Education
4 Shrines, Temples, and Churches
5 Civil and Criminal Court Cases
6 Police
7 Prisons
8 Army
9 Navy
10 Agriculture
11 Forestry and Hunting
12 Fishery and Salt Making
13 Mining
14 Industry
15 Foreign Trade
16 Domestic Trade
17 Corporations
18 Savings and Insurance
19 Land Transportation
20 Water Transportation
21 Post, Telegraph, and Telephone
22 Construction
23 Public Health and Sanitation
24 Relief
25 Public Finance
26 Banking and Finance
27 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
28 Representatives and Voters
29 Civil and Military Service, and Appendices
30 Hokkaido
31 Taiwan
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 22 (1903)
1 Land
2 Population
3 Education
4 Shrines, Temples, and Churches
5 Civil and Criminal Court Cases
6 Police
7 Prisons
8 Army
9 Navy
10 Agriculture
11 Forestry
12 Fishery and Salt Making
13 Mining
14 Industry
15 Foreign Trade
16 Domestic Trade
17 Corporations
18 Savings and Insurance
19 Land Transportation
20 Land Transportation
21 Post, Telegraph, and Telephone
22 Construction
23 Public Health and Sanitation
24 Relief
25 Public Finance
26 Banking and Finance
27 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
28 Representatives and Voters
29 Civil and Military Service, and Appendices
30 Hokkaido
31 Taiwan
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 21 (1902)
1 Land
2 Population
3 Education
4 Shrines, Temples, and Churches
5 Civil and Criminal Court Cases
6 Police
7 Prisons
8 Army
9 Navy
10 Agriculture
11 Forestry and Hunting
12 Fishery and Salt Making
13 Mining
14 Industry
15 15 Foreign Trade
16 Domestic Trade
17 Corporations
18 Savings and Insurance
19 Land Transportation
20 Water Transportation
21 Post, Telegraph, and Telephone
22 Construction
23 Public Health and Sanitation
24 Relief
25 Public Finance
26 Banking and Finance
27 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
28 Representatives and Voters
29 Civil and Military Service, and Appendices
30 Hokkaido
31 Taiwan
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 20 (1901)
1 Land
2 Population
3 Education
4 Shrines and Temples
5 Civil and Criminal Court Cases
6 Police
7 Prisons
8 Army
9 Navy
10 Agriculture
11 Forestry and Hunting
12 Fishery and Salt Making
13 Mining
14 Industry
15 Foreign Trade
16 Domestic Trade
17 Banking and Finance
18 Corporations
19 Savings and Insurance
20 Land Transportation
21 Water Transportation
22 Post, Telegraph, and Telephone
23 Construction
24 Public Health and Sanitation
25 Relief
26 Public Finance
27 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
28 Representatives and Voters
29 Civil and Military Service, and Appendices
30 Hokkaido
31 Taiwan
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 19 (1900)
1 Land
2 Population
3 Education
4 Civil and Military Service, and Appendices
6 Police
7 Prisons
8 Army
9 Navy
10 Agriculture
11 Forestry and Hunting
12 Fishery and Salt Making
15 Foreign Trade
17 Corporations
18 Savings and Insurance
19 Land Transportation
20 Water Transportation
21 Post, Telegraph, and Telephone
22 Construction
23 Public Health and Sanitation
24 Relief
25 Public Finance
26 Banking and Finance
27 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
28 Representatives and Voters
29 Civil and Military Service, and Appendices
30 Hokkaido
31 Taiwan
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 18 (1899)
1 Land
2 Population
3 Education
4 Shrines and Temples
5 Civil and Criminal Court Cases
6 Police
7 Prisons
8 Army
9 Navy
10 Agriculture
11 Forestry and Hunting
12 Fishery and Salt Making
13 Mining
14 Industry
15 Foreign Trade
16 Domestic Trade
17 Banking and Finance
18 Corporations
19 Savings and Insurance
20 Land Transportation
21 Water Transportation
22 Post, Telegraph, and Telephone
23 Mining
24 Public Health and Sanitation
25 Relief
26 Public Finance
27 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
28 Representatives and Voters
29 Civil and Military Service, and Appendices
30 Hokkaido
31 Taiwan
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 17 (1898)
1 Land
2 Population
3 Education
4 Shrines and Temples
5 Civil and Criminal Court Cases
6 Police
7 Prisons
8 Army
9 Navy
10 Agriculture
11 Forestry and Hunting
12 Fishery and Salt Making
13 Mining
14 Industry
15 Foreign Trade
16 Domestic Trade
17 Banking and Finance
18 Corporations
19 Savings and Insurance
20 Land Transportation
21 Water Transportation
22 Post, Telegraph, and Telephone
23 Construction
24 Public Health and Sanitation
25 Relief
26 Public Finance
27 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
28 Representatives and Voters
29 Civil and Military Service, and Appendices
30 Taiwan
31 Hokkaido
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 16 (1897)
1 Land
2 Population
3 Education
4 Shrines and Temples
5 Civil and Criminal Court Cases
6 Police
7 Prisons
8 Army
9 Navy
10 Agriculture
11 Forestry and Hunting
12 Fishery and Salt Making
13 Mining
14 Industry
15 Foreign Trade
16 Domestic Trade
17 Banking and Finance
18 Corporations
19 Savings and Insurance
20 Land Transportation
21 Water Transportation
22 Post and Telegraph
23 Construction
24 Public Health and Sanitation
25 Relief
26 Public Finance
27 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
28 Representatives and Voters
29 Civil and Military Service, and Appendices
30 Taiwan
31 Hokkaido
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 15 (1896)
1 Land
2 Population
3 Education
4 Shrines and Temples
5 Civil and Criminal Court Cases
6 Police
7 Prisons
8 Army
9 Navy
10 Agriculture
11 Forestry and Hunting
12 Fishery and Salt Making
13 Mining
14 Industry
15 Foreign Trade
16 Domestic Trade
17 Banking and Finance
18 Corporations
19 Savings and Insurance
20 Land Transportation
21 Water Transportation
22 Post and Telegraph
23 Construction
24 Public Health and Sanitation
25 Relief
26 Public Finance
27 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
28 Representatives and Voters
29 Civil and Military Service, and Appendices
30 Taiwan
31 Hokkaido
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 14 (1895)
1 Land
2 Population
3 Education
4 Shrines and Temples
5 Civil and Criminal Court Cases
6 Police
7 Prisons
8 Army
9 Navy
10 Agriculture
11 Forestry and Hunting
12 Fishery and Salt Making
13 Mining
14 Industry
15 Foreign Trade
16 Domestic Trade
17 Banking and Finance
18 Corporations
19 Savings and Insurance
20 Land Transportation
21 Water Transportation
22 Post and Telegraph
23 Construction
24 Public Health and Sanitation
25 Relief
26 Public Finance
27 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
28 Representatives and Voters
29 Civil and Military Service, and Appendices
30 Hokkaido
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 13 (1894)
1 Land
2 Population
3 Education
4 Shrines and Temples
5 Civil and Criminal Court Cases
6 Police
7 Prisons
8 Army
9 Navy
10 Agriculture
11 Forestry and Hunting
12 Fishery and Salt Making
13 Mining
14 Industry
15 Foreign Trade
16 Domestic Trade
17 Banking and Finance
18 Corporations
19 Savings and Insurance
20 Land Transportation
21 Water Transportation
22 Post and Telegraph
23 Construction
24 Public Health and Sanitation
25 Relief
26 Public Finance
27 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
28 Representatives and Voters
29 Civil and Military Service, and Appendices
30 Hokkaido
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 12 (1893)
1 Land
2 Population
3 Education
4 Shrines and Temples
5 Civil and Criminal Court Cases
6 Police
7 Prisons
8 Army
9 Navy
10 Agriculture
11 Forestry and Hunting
12 Fishery and Salt Making
13 Mining
14 Industry
15 Foreign Trade
16 Domestic Trade
17 Banking and Finance
18 Corporations
19 Savings and Insurance
20 Land Transportation
21 Water Transportation
22 Post and Telegraph
23 Construction
24 Public Health and Sanitation
25 Relief
26 Public Finance
27 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
28 Representatives and Voters
29 Civil and Military Service, and Appendices
30 Hokkaido
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 11 (1892)
1 Land
2 Population
3 Education
4 Shrines and Temples
5 Civil and Criminal Court Cases
6 Police
7 Prisons
8 Army
9 Navy
10 Agriculture
11 Forestry and Hunting
12 Fishery and Salt Making
13 Mining
14 Industry
15 Foreign Trade
16 Domestic Trade
17 Banking and Finance
18 Corporations
19 Savings and Insurance
20 Land Transportation
21 Water Transportation
22 Post and Telegraph
23 Construction
24 Public Health and Sanitation
25 Relief
26 Public Finance
27 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
28 Representatives and Voters
29 Civil and Military Service, and Appendices
30 Hokkaido
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 10 (1891)
1 Land
2 Population
3 Agriculture
4 Forestry and Hunting
5 Fishery and Salt Making
6 Mining
7 Industry
8 Foreign Trade
9 Domestic Trade
10 Post and Telegraph
11 Land Transportation
12 Water Transportation
13 Construction
14 Banking and Finance
15 Corporations
16 Savings and Insurance
17 Education
18 Public Health and Sanitation
19 Shrines and Temples
20 Relief
21 Police
22 Civil and Criminal Court Cases
23 Prisons
24 Army
25 Navy
26 Nobility, Decorations, and Medals of Honor
27 Public Finance
28 Representatives and Voters
29 Civil and Military Service, and Appendices
30 Hokkaido
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 9 (1890)
1 Land
2 Population
3 Agriculture
4 Forestry and Hunting
5 Fishery and Salt Making
6 Mining
7 Industry
8 Construction
9 Domestic Trade
10 Foreign Trade
11 Post and Telegraph
12 Land Transportation
13 Water Transportation
14 Banking and Finance
15 Corporations
16 Savings and Insurance
17 Education
18 Public Health and Sanitation
19 Shrines and Temples
20 Relief
21 Police
22 Prisons
23 Civil and Criminal Court Cases
24 Army
25 Navy
26 Public Finance
27 Civil and Military Service, and Appendices
28 Hokkaido
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 8 (1889)
1 Land
2 Population
3 Agriculture
4 Forestry and Hunting
5 Fishery and Salt Making
6 Mining
7 Industry and Wages
8 Construction
9 Domestic Trade
10 Foreign Trade
11 Post and Telegraph
12 Land Transportation
13 Water Transportation
14 Banking and Finance
15 Corporations
16 Savings and Insurance
17 Education
18 Public Health and Sanitation
19 Shrines and Temples
20 Relief
21 Police
22 Prisons
23 Civil and Criminal Court Cases
24 Army
25 Navy
26 Public Finance
27 Civil and Military Service, and Appendices
28 Hokkaido
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 7 (1888)
1 Land
2 Population
3 Agriculture
4 Forestry and Hunting
5 Fishery and Salt Making
6 Mining
7 Industry and Wages
8 Construction
9 Domestic Trade
10 Foreign Trade
11 Transportation
12 Banking and Finance
13 Corporations
14 Savings and Insurance
15 Education
16 Public Health and Sanitation
17 Shrines and Temples
18 Relief
19 Police
20 Prisons
21 Civil and Criminal Court Cases
22 Army
23 Navy
24 Public Finance
25 Civil and Military Service, and Appendices
26 Hokkaido
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 6 (1887)
1 Land
2 Population
3 Agriculture
4 Forestry
5 Fishery and Salt Making
6 Mining
7 Industry and Wages
8 Construction
9 Domestic Trade
10 Foreign Trade
11 Transportation
12 Banking and Finance
13 Corporations
14 Savings and Insurance
15 Education
16 Public Health and Sanitation
17 Shrines and Temples
18 Relief
19 Police
20 Prisons
21 Civil and Criminal Court Cases
22 Army
23 Navy
24 Public Finance
25 Civil and Military Service, and Appendices
26 Hokkaido
Statistical Yearbook of Imperial Japan. 5 (1886)
1 Land
2 Population
3 Agriculture
4 Forestry and Hunting
5 Fishery and Salt Making
6 Mining
7 Industry and Wages
8 Construction
9 Domestic Trade
10 Foreign Trade
11 Transportation
12 Banking
13 Corporations
14 Savings and Insurance
15 Relief
16 Public Health and Sanitation
17 Shrines and Temples
18 Education
19 Police
20 Prisons
21 Civil and Criminal Court Cases
22 Army
23 Navy
24 Public Finance
25 Civil and Military Service, and Appendices
26 Hokkaido
Statistical Yearbook of Japan. 4 (1885)
1 Land
2 Population
3 Agriculture
4 Forestry and Hunting
5 Fishery and Salt Making
6 Mining
7 Industry
8 Construction
9 Domestic Trade
10 Foreign Trade
11 Transportation
12 Banking and Finance
13 Corporations
14 Savings
15 Insurance
16 Relief
17 Public Health and Sanitation
18 Shrines and Temples
19 Education
20 Police
21 Prisons
22 Civil and Criminal Court Cases
23 Army
24 Navy
25 Public Finance
26 Politics
27 Japanese Overseas Travelers and Foreigners Living in Japan
28 Hokkaido
Statistical Yearbook of Japan 3 (1884)
1 Land
2 Population
3 Agriculture
4 Forestry and Hunting
5 Fishery and Salt Making
6 Mining
7 Industry
8 Construction
9 Consumption
10 Wages
11 Domestic Trade
12 Foreign Trade
13 Transportation
14 Banking and Finance
15 Savings
16 Insurance
17 Relief
18 Public Health and Sanitation
19 Shrines and Temples
20 Education
21 Police
22 Prisons
23 Civil and Criminal Court Cases
24 Army
25 Navy
26 Public Finance
27 Politics
28 Japanese Overseas Travelers and Foreigners Living in Japan
29 Hokkaido
Statistical Yearbook of Japan. 2 (1883)
1 Land
2 Population
3 Agriculture
4 Forestry and Game Hunting
5 Fishery and Salt Making
6 Mining
7 Industry
8 Construction
9 Wages
10 Domestic Trade
11 Foreign Trade
12 Transportation
13 Banking and Finance
14 Savings
15 Insurance
16 Relief
17 Public Health and Sanitation
18 Shrines and Temples
19 Education
20 Police
21 Prisons
22 Civil and Criminal Court Cases
23 Army
24 Navy
25 Public Finance
27 Japanese Overseas Travelers and Foreigners Living in Japan
28 Hokkaido
Statistical Yearbook of Japan. [1] (1882)
1 Land
2 Population
3 Agriculture
4 Forestry
5 Fishery and Salt Making
7 Industry
8 Transportation
9 Banking and Finance
10 Foreign Trade
11 Public Health and Sanitation
12 Shrines and Temples
13 Education
14 Police
15 Prisons
16 Justice
17 Army
18 Navy
19 Public Finance
20 Politics
21 Hokkaido
Official Statistics Anonymous Data
Population Census
National Survey of Family Income, Consumption and Wealth
Employment Status Survey
Labour Force Survey
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
Deposited custom-made aggregate deliverables
JIP Database
R-JIP Database
JLCP Database
Iwanami Lecture "History of the Japanese Economy" Appendix data at the end of the book
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